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- Allen Funt
Classics - Allen Funt
Candy Camera - Allen Funt
What Do You Say to a Lady - Juliet
Funt - Allen Funt
Movies - Allen Funt
Show - Allen Funt
Cable TV Shows - Funny Tennis
Allen Funt - Allen Funt
What Do You Say to a Full Movie Lady - Peter
Funt - Obit Arlene
Francis - Alan Funt's
Candid Camera 1965 - Candid Camera TV Show 16 1975
Allen Funt - Tony
Randall - Gary Burghoff
Death - Burns and Allen
the Ring - Candid Camera Gassing Up
a Modified Volkswagon - Jack Benny as Gracie
Allen - New Candid Camera
1992 Restaurant - Doris
Roberts - Buster Keaton
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