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- Rumbelows
Cup 1991 92 - England Rugby
Will Carling - Daz Adverts
2002 - Advert 1985
Brew - Rumbelows
TV Adverts - Electrolux
Airstream - Top Loading Washing
Machines UK - Robert
Rumbelow - University of Illinois
Marching Band - Man Utd V Leeds
Fight - Granada TV
Rentals - Saint and
Greavsie - John Helm
Commentator - Halifax Town Manchester
City - Leeds Utd New
Shirt - Rothmans Cup 98
Finals Highlights - Washing Machine
Museum - Advert 1981
Itch - President Trump
Running - Bristol
Rovers - Jimmy Greaves
and Ian St. John - Nescafe Advert
1992 - Radion
Advert - Washing Machine
Thor - BHS Advert
1995 - UK Advert
1983 - Leeds V Man
Utd 1976 - Man Utd Arsenal
1990 Fight - Jimmy Savile
Train Station - Advert 1991
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