Pittsburgh - Wikipedia
Pittsburgh (/ ˈ p ɪ t s b ɜːr ɡ / PITS-burg) is a city in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, United States, and its county seat. It is the second-most populous city in Pennsylvania (after Philadelphia) and the 68th-most populous city in the U.S., with …
History of Pittsburgh - Wikipedia
Pittsburgh in 1902. Lithograph by Thaddeus Mortimer Fowler. The history of Pittsburgh began with centuries of Native American civilization in the modern Pittsburgh region, known as Jaödeogë’ in the Seneca language. [1]
Pittsburgh - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pittsburgh is in western Pennsylvania. It has a population of 302,971 people and a metro population of around 2,400,000 people. Pittsburgh was the most livable city in the United States in 2007. In 2014 Pittsburgh was ranked sixth in the country …
Name of Pittsburgh - Wikipedia
Inside of the rotunda of Union Station in Pittsburgh showing the city's name as commonly spelled in 1900.. The name of the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, has a complicated history.Pittsburgh is one of the few U.S. cities or towns to be spelled with an h at the end of a burg suffix, although the spelling Pittsburg was acceptable for many years and was even held as standard by the …
Greater Pittsburgh - Wikipedia
Greater Pittsburgh is the metropolitan area surrounding the city of Pittsburgh in Western Pennsylvania, United States. [4]
Pittsburgh – Wikipedia
Pittsburgh on kaupunki Ohion lähdejokien Alleghenyn ja Monongahelan yhtymäkohdassa Pennsylvaniassa Yhdysvaltojen itäosassa. Asukkaita varsinaisessa kaupungissa oli 301 000 (2018), mutta esikaupunkeineen jo 2,3 miljoonaa asukasta.
Culture of Pittsburgh - Wikipedia
The culture of Pittsburgh stems from the city's long history as a center for cultural philanthropy, as well as its rich ethnic traditions.
University of Pittsburgh - Wikipedia
The University of Pittsburgh (Pitt) is a state-related research university in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States.
Pittsburgh – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
Pittsburgh – miasto w Stanach Zjednoczonych, w stanie Pensylwania, ośrodek administracyjny hrabstwa Allegheny, położone nad zbiegiem rzek Allegheny i Monongahela, dających w tym miejscu początek rzece Ohio.
Pittsburgh – Wikipédia
Pittsburgh (IPA: [ˈpɪtsbɜːrɡ]) Pennsylvania állam második legnagyobb városa, valamint Allegheny megye fővárosa. Becsült lakossága 2013-ban 305 841; elővárosaival együtt 2 659 937 fő volt, ezzel a 20. legnagyobb településnek számít az Amerikai Egyesült Államokban.
Downtown Pittsburgh - Wikipedia
Downtown Pittsburgh, colloquially referred to as the Golden Triangle, and officially the Central Business District, [2] is the urban downtown center of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States. It is located at the confluence of the Allegheny River and the Monongahela River whose joining forms the Ohio River .
Pittsburgh - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Pittsburgh es una ciudad de los Estados Unidos, sede del condado de Allegheny en el estado de Pensilvania. Con una población de 302 971 habitantes en el límite urbano y más de 2 370 930 personas en el área metropolitana, se trata de la segunda ciudad más poblada de todo el estado, y la vigésimo séptima más grande del país.
Pittsburgh - Wikipedia, ang malayang ensiklopedya
Ang Pittsburgh ay ang pangalawang pinakamataong lungsod ng Pennsylvania, Estados Unidos. Matatagpuan ito sa tagpuan ng mga ilog ng Allegheny at Monongahela sa timog-kanlurang bahagi ng estado. Ang populasyon nito ay 301,048 ayon sa sensus noong 2018.
Pittsburgh | Location, History, Teams, Attractions, & Facts
Feb 27, 2025 · Pittsburgh, city, seat (1788) of Allegheny county, southwestern Pennsylvania, U.S. The city is located at the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers, which unite at the point of the “ Golden Triangle” (the business district) to form the Ohio River.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – Wikipedija
Pittsburgh (eng. izgovor /ˈpɪtsbərɡ/; hrv. izgovor pits-burg) je drugi najveći grad u američkoj saveznoj državi Pennsylvaniji i sjedište županije Allegheny. Regionalno, to je najveće urbano područje Appalachia i rijeke Ohio, a nacionalno je 68. po veličini grad u …
Pittsburgh - Wikipedia
Pittsburgh [ˈpɪts.bɚg] is die tweede grootste stad in die Amerikaanse deelstaat Pennsilvanië (amptelik: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania) met 'n oppervlak van 151,1 vierkante kilometer en 'n bevolking van 304 391 in 2015. Die stad is die administratiewe setel van die distrik Allegheny en die ekonomiese, kulturele, akademiese en vervoerspilpunt ...
匹兹堡 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
匹兹堡(英語: Pittsburgh ; / ˈ p ɪ t s b ɜːr ɡ / )位于美国 宾夕法尼亚州西南部,阿勒格尼河与莫农加希拉河汇合成俄亥俄河的河口。宾夕法尼亚州第二大城市,阿利根尼縣縣治。2018年人口大约302,407 (七县大都区人口2,462,571)。
Pittsburgh — Wikipédia
Pittsburgh (prononcé en français [p i t s. b œ ʁ ɡ], en anglais [ˈ p ɪ t s. b ɝ ɡ]), ou plus rarement en français Pittsbourg [1] ([p i t s. b u ʁ]) est une ville américaine, deuxième plus grande ville du Commonwealth de Pennsylvanie.
Pittsburgh - Wikipedia
Pittsburgh (Pittsbarig in tedesco della Pennsylvania) è una città degli Stati Uniti d'America, capoluogo della contea di Allegheny nella Pennsylvania. Ha una popolazione di 302 971 abitanti (dato reso noto dal Censimento del 2020) mentre la sua area metropolitana raggiunge i 2 milioni e mezzo di abitanti.
Питтсбург — Википедия
Пи́ттсбург — второй по величине город в штате Пенсильвания, США. Город является экономическим, культурным, научным и транспортным ядром региона Большой Питтсбург. Возникший на месте ...
Pittsburgh – Wikipedia
Pittsburgh [ˈpɪtsbɝɡ] ist eine Großstadt im Südwesten des US-Bundesstaates Pennsylvania.Sie liegt im Bereich des Appalachen-Plateaus rund 45 Kilometer von der Grenze zu Ohio entfernt in einem Talkessel am Zusammenfluss des Monongahela River und des Allegheny River zum Ohio River.Das U.S. Census Bureau hat bei der Volkszählung 2020 eine Einwohnerzahl von …