News Agency for science broadcasting. 3CIN Foundation. A recent study titled “Gaming on the Edge: Performance Issues of Distributed Online Gaming”, published at the IFIP International Conference on Networking 2024, proposes an innovative model to enhance the experience of online gaming, particularly on mobile devices.
6 days ago · Un equipo del Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiología de Sevilla (IRNAS) y la Estación Biológica de Doñana (EBD), centros de investigación del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), han liderado una simulación del escenario climático de la segunda mitad de siglo para evaluar los efectos de la sequía y los patógenos exóticos en los bosques mediterráneos.
From SMS scams to echo chambers: COMET analyzes the impact …
5 days ago · IMDEA Networks/DICYT IMDEA Networks has successfully completed its participation in the COMET project, an initiative funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the European Union through NextGenerationEU/PRTR funds. This project, led at our institute by researcher Guillermo Suárez-Tangil, has made significant advances in the study of malicious software, online ...
¿Qué es DiCYT? La Agencia Iberoamericana para la Difusión de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, DiCYT, es una red de información sobre avances científicos y tecnológicos de los países de habla hispana y portuguesa de América y Europa.
DAEMON project paves the road to effective 6G networks - DiCYT
IMDEA Networks/DICYT DAEMON, a European project coordinated by IMDEA Networks Institute that started in January 2021, has just come to an end, achieving significant milestones in the advancement of mobile communication technology.The project has paved the road to effective 6G networks, with clear benefits to society at large in terms of faster and more ubiquitous mobile communication ...
GenAI4ED: the project set to transform secondary education with ...
IMDEA Networks/DICYT In October 2024, the GenAI4ED project officially began—a groundbreaking international initiative funded by Horizon Europe in which IMDEA Networks is actively involved.The project aims to explore how generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) tools can revolutionize secondary education. Scheduled to run until September 2027, GenAI4ED focuses on developing a digital ...
ENLIGHT'EM: weaving the future of wireless communications with ...
IMDEA Networks /DICYT ENLIGHT’EM, an Innovative Training Networks project funded by a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action, has ended in December 2023 marking a major milestone: contributing to design a new generation of wireless systems based on visible light communication (VLC) and on the low power consumption of light-emitting diodes (commonly known as LEDs) for challenging Internet of Things ...
Analizan los efectos ambientales de la explotación del mayor …
1 day ago · DICYT El mayor depósito de litio conocido del mundo se encuentra dentro de una enorme salina llamada Salar de Uyuni, que se extiende por miles de kilómetros cuadrados en la cima de una meseta andina alta y seca en Bolivia.Durante la mayor parte del año, los cristales de sal incrustan el terreno, blancos como el azúcar glas. Durante la temporada de lluvias, el agua de lluvia acumulada ...
Galápagos penguin is exposed to and may accumulate …
DICYT Modelling shows how microplastics may bioaccumulate in the Galápagos Islands food web, with Galápagos penguins most affected, according to a study published January 24, 2024 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Karly McMullen from the University of British Columbia, Canada, under the supervision of Dr. Juan José Alava and Dr. Evgeny A. Pakhomov of the Institute for the Ocean and ...
Yucatán’s underwater caves host diverse microbial communities
DICYT With help from an experienced underwater cave-diving team, Northwestern University researchers have constructed the most complete map to date of the microbial communities living in the submerged labyrinths beneath Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula.. Although previous researchers have collected water and microbial samples from the cave entrances and easily accessible sinkholes, the ...