Cochrane | Trusted evidence. Informed decisions. Better health.
Cochrane is a global independent network of researchers, professionals, patients, carers and people interested in health.
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想了解更多健康實證證據? Cochrane 發表大量文獻以支持及指引您的健康決策。以下為相關資訊: Cochrane Evidence Essentials - 一個免費的線上資源,介紹健康證據以及如何使用它做出明智的健康選擇; Featured reviews - 了解更多相關最新的精選 Cochrane 證據,您可在此連結至簡明摘要與 …
我们的证据 - Cochrane
想要了解更多健康相关证据? Cochrane发表大量文献以支持和指导健康决策。以下为精选资源: Cochrane 证据要点 - 一个免费的在线资源,介绍健康证据以及如何使用它做出明智的健康选择; 综述精选 - 这里有最新的精选Cochrane系统综述,您可在此阅读简语概要和综述全文 ...
关于我们 - Cochrane
我们所做的. Cochrane的存在是为了让医疗保健决策变得更好;我们的变革战略旨在将Cochrane证据置于全世界医疗决策的核心。 它围绕三个目标组织我们的工作: 目标1:产出可靠证据
索引 - Cochrane
1500克以下早产儿的连续性鼻胃管乳汁喂养与间歇性推注乳汁喂养: 18 f-fdg-pet/ct检测初诊转移性横纹肌肉瘤的准确性
Our evidence - Cochrane
Sep 14, 2016 · Cochrane works collaboratively with contributors around the world to produce authoritative, relevant, and reliable evidence, in the form of Cochrane Reviews.
我们的产品与服务 | Cochrane
我们的证据产品 Cochrane图书馆. Cochrane图书馆(ISSN 1465-1858)是一个对包含不同类型的高质量独立证据、为医疗保健决策提供信息的数据库合集。Cochrane 图书馆包括Cochrane系统综述数据库(Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews,CDSR)、Cochrane对照试验中心注册库(Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, CENTRAL)和 ...
Index | Cochrane
Meta-analysis on inhaled therapies for COPD: Interview with editors: 2016 winner of the prestigious Aubrey Sheiham Leadership Award for Evidence-Based Healthcare in Africa announced
What is Cochrane? | Cochrane
Oct 7, 2022 · The need for Cochrane's work is even greater than it was when we started in 1993. As access to health evidence increases, so do the risks of misinterpreting complex content; meanwhile the likelihood of any one person getting a complete and balanced picture decreases.