13 Types of Cement [PDF]: Properties, and Applications in …
1. Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) Ordinary Portland cement is the most widely used type of cement, which is suitable for all general concrete construction. It is the most commonly produced and used type of cement around the world, with annual global production of around 3.8 million cubic meters per year.
Types of Foundation for Buildings and their Uses [PDF] - The …
The use of mat foundation is for columns and walls foundations where the loads from the structure on columns and walls are very high. This is used to prevent differential settlement of individual footings, thus designed as a single mat (or combined footing) of …
23 Types of Concrete Used in Construction and their Applications
Different types of concrete are produced based on the constituent material, mix design, the method of construction, area of application, form of hydration reaction. Details of these various types of concrete, their properties and applications are discussed. 23 Types of Concrete ...
12 Basic Components of a Building Structure – theconstructor.org
The basic components of a building structure are the foundation, floors, walls, beams, columns, roof, stair, etc. These elements serve the purpose of supporting, enclosing and protecting the buildi…
Foundation Construction [PDF]: Depth, Width, Layout, and …
Procedure for construction of foundation starts with a decision on its depth, width, and marking layout for excavation and centerline of foundation. Foundation is the part of the structure below the plinth level in direct contact of soil ...
Types of Concrete Mix Ratio Design and their Strengths
🕑 Reading time: 1 minute Concrete mix ratios are the proportions of concrete components such as cement, sand, aggregates and water. These mix ratios are decided based on type of construction and mix designs.
What is Slab, Beam, Column, and Footing Construction?
Clearly, buildings are composed of various structure elements such as slabs, beams, columns, and footings. Each of these structural members play certain role in a structure. This article presents various aspects of these structural members for instance their function, types of ...
Everything You Should Know About Cantilever Beams
A cantilever beam is a rigid structural element supported at one end and free at the other, as shown in Figure-1. The cantilever beam can be either made of concrete or steel whose one end is cast o…
Proctor Soil Compaction Test – Procedures, Tools and Results
Compaction test of soil is carried out using Proctor's test to understand compaction characteristics of different soils with change in moisture content. Compaction of soil is the optimal moisture content at which a given soil type becomes most dense and achieve ...
What is Lintel? Types of Lintel and Uses in Building
What is Lintel? A lintel is a beam placed across the openings like doors, windows etc. in buildings to support the load from the structure above. The width of lintel beam is equal to the width of w…