How to solve the puzzle in Goldenrod underground base? - Pokemon Gold …
Dec 31, 2011 · Please be as detailed as you can when making an answer. Answers that are too short or not descriptive are usually rejected. Please do not use this box to ask a question, it will be rejected - this box is for answers ONLY.If you want to ask a question for this game, please use the ask a question box which is above on the right.
Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal: The Switch and Shutter Puzzle
An in-depth explanation on the workings of the infamous shutter door puzzle in the Goldenrod underground tunnel in Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal
In the basement what order are the switchest? - Super Cheats
Jan 18, 2011 · The answer is the middle (2) first then the right switch (1) then finally the left switch (3) and you are good to go
How to get through underground warehouse hints and tips for Pokemon Gold
Do you have trouble pressing those damn underground warehouse switches in the correct order? In that case, you are NOT alone. I can tell you how to get through this area with the closing/opening shutters with incredible speed: Press switch 3 first (It's the one furthest from the stairs) Press switch 2 after switch 3 (The one in the middle)
Pokémon Gold and Silver/Radio Tower - StrategyWiki
Feb 9, 2025 · He'll reward you with the Rainbow Wing (Gold version), the Silver Wing (Silver version), or the Clear Bell (Crystal version). The wings are the keys to capturing Ho-Oh and Lugia respectively, while the bell is the new key item that allows you to battle Suicune in the Tin Tower.
Goldenrod underground Switch Puzzle - Pokemon Gold Version
First just wanna get across I know the solution to actually get through is 3, 2, 1. What I am interested in is how to get the smoke ball, the item ball in the bottom left cubicle. That …
Appendix:Gold and Silver walkthrough/Section 12 - Bulbapedia
Oct 1, 2024 · Flip Switch #1 to reach a Full Heal in the northeast room. This also gives access to a hidden Max Potion in the north-central room. Flip the switches in a five-part sequence (#1, #3, #2, #1, #3) to reach a Smoke Ball in the southwest room.
Return to Goldenrod - Pokemon Gold, Silver and Crystal Guide - IGN
Sep 4, 2012 · After you defeat him, you will be presented with a series of switches to flip (guarded by Rocket Grunts, of course). Depending on the order in which they are flipped, certain doors will open and...
How do i do the switch puzle in the basement where team
Oct 14, 2000 · If you simply want to get to the door, simply activate them in order from left to right. You're browsing GameFAQs Q&A as a guest. Sign Up for free (or Log In if you already have an account) to be...
Pokemon Gold and Silver :: Full Walkthrough - psypokes.com
Each switch opens some doors and closes others, so you'll have to find the correct combination to get through. The sequence is actually really easy, but in order to get the items (Full Heal and Smoke Ball), you'll have experiment yourself.