mimu comes equipped with a customizable, per-server currency system that can be managed by any user with the MANAGE_SERVER permissions. earning server currency every server comes with 3 default currency commands to earn 🍪 or whatever the currency is in that server.
use /set greet message message:welcome, {user}! {embed:greet_embed} to set the greet message to a short welcome, pinging the user, and the embed we just created.
to quickly find a guide you need, use the tabs below~ beginner intermediate advanced expert beginner i: using simple placeholders beginner ii: using simple functions
mimu allows you to customize and edit its settings to apply to your specific use case. to access and change settings, users will need the MANAGE_SERVER permission.
Mimu is a Discord bot made in hopes to bring extensive functionality and utility; enclosing what we consider the epitome of cuteness overload. Mimu is classy, aesthetic, and adorable, and is bound to touch your heart.
to add an embed, you have to use the /embed create name:embedname the embed name is what mimu recognizes the embed as compared to other embeds you may create. embed names should be short and sweet, as they cannot be more than 16 characters long and do not support spaces.
to set the greet message itself, use /set greet message message:text here to test if your greet is made to your liking, use /test greet to disable your greet message, you can set the message to none or disable
mimu's autoresponder feature, also known as custom commands, allows you to create functional commands in your server with customised responses and advanced variables. the command base is /autoresponder .