"Epstein Credits" - Forum.FreeAdvice.com
Oct 30, 2000 · The payments on account of preexisting community obligations constitute a discharge of the payor spouse's support duties (Marriage of Epstein, supra, 24 Cal.3d at 85, 154 Cal.Rptr. at 418): i.e., the spouse seeking reimbursement was ordered to pay an amount of temporary support which has been specifically adjusted because the court expressly ...
401k-marital or not - Forum.FreeAdvice.com
Feb 1, 2006 · New Mexico STBX's attorney sends a letter to me which states that STBX stopped paying into 401k when we got married; therefore, it's all his. But 401k statement shows over $500,000 during marriage. STBX says corporation paid in for him, it wasn't out of what he pays himself, so he says it...
Community property state and beneficiary designation
May 25, 2018 · California My husband of 25 years, just handed me a document to sign "Profit Sharing Plan & Trust Beneficiary Designation". We live in California. It states "Under this Plan, the surviving spouse of a deceased Participant is generally entitled …
Letter of Testamentary | Forum.FreeAdvice.com
May 2, 2009 · What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? California My father passed away with a will leaving everything to my mom. The have some bond accounts which were in both their names, because he has died she can now cash them in before maturity and at the price paid (they are worth less now than...
Separate Income and Separate Property on Community Property …
May 25, 2018 · Attempting to better understand how premarital separate assets can remain protected in cases where couples choose not to go down the pre-nup agreement route in Community Property states. My understanding after research shows that some states (Idaho, Louisiana, Wisconsin, and Texas) regard income to be considered marital income.
Tax Questions and 401k Contributions Guidance for Two-Member …
May 25, 2018 · We established an LLC at the beginning of this year, with just two members – my spouse and myself. We reside in a community property state and file our taxes jointly as a married couple. Throughout this year, we've utilized our LLC to carry out business activities. My spouse has been working...
marital vs separate assets/marital vs separate debts
Feb 11, 2013 · Questionable as some community property law states treat the increased market value of separately owned land due to inflationary factors as retaining its separate character. ecmst said: There might be rare circumstances where a married person could have pre-marital assets or an inheritance or gift . . . .
Is Tennessee and Common Property State but a Community Debt …
Dec 29, 2008 · Under Tennessee State Law can a debt collection agency do the following: Add a spouse name to the account even if it wasn’t listed on the original account by the original creditor, I didn't sign anything (medical debt). My husband incurred a medical debt and it was turned over to a collection...
Cc Charged Off Now What | Forum.FreeAdvice.com
Aug 14, 2005 · What is the name of your state?KY checked credit report, they have been charged off. My husband had 1 to sue, had a old lawyer friend to tell us that there was no consideration,they got judgement but judge told us to appeal, so it is in appeals court now. The debt was only $7,000 how far will...
Can a creditor seize joint marital property to satisfy a judgment ...
Jun 23, 2005 · What Veronica is referring to as 'marital property states' is otherwise known as COMMUNITY PROPERTY states, and NC is NOT a community property state. In a CP state, both parties are held equally liable for ALL debts acquired during the marriage. In Non-CP states, all property remains the sole property of each individual if its in one name only.