UFO EVIDENCE - Scientific Study of the UFO Phenomenon
UFO Evidence presents in-depth and quality research, resources, news and information on the UFO phenomenon. It is one of the largest internet sites on the UFO subject. Sections include selected UFO cases, UFO photos, UFO sightings, and articles and topics related to the UFO / ET / Alien phenomenon.
The Kecksburg UFO Crash - Kecksburg, Pennsylvania ... - UFO …
An object landed in the tiny town of Kecksburg, PA on December 9, 1965. It was observed as a fireball in the sky across several U.S. states and Canada. Four witnesses have provided independent, corroborated descriptions of the object and its location in the Kecksburg woods. Dozens of others describe the military presence at the crash site, the cordoning off of the area, and the retrieval of an ...
UFO Crash and Retrieval in Missouri, 1941
One of the most mysterious stories of a crashed UFO with alien bodies preceded the well know Roswell events by some six years. Reverend William Huffman was summoned to pray over alien crash victims outside of Cape Girardeau, Missouri in the spring of 1941. He was shown three victims, not human as expected, but small alien bodies with …
The Rendlesham Forest Incident - UFO EVIDENCE
What is widely considered Britain’s most extraordinary encounter took place between 26 and 28 December 1980. It involved at least a dozen civilians from villages surrounding Rendlesham Forest, a large pine wood in south east Suffolk eight miles from the large town of Ipswich. However, it also gained a high profile because of its military witnesses, part of a huge USAF contingent at the twin ...
Christopher Columbus UFO sighting in 1492
In 1492, Christopher Columbus and Pedro Gutierrez while on the deck of the Santa Maira, observed, "a light glimmering at a great distance." It vanished and reappeared several times during the night, moving up and down, "in sudden and passing gleams." Source: 'The Life and Voyages of Christopher ...
Scientific Study of the UFO Phenomenon - UFO EVIDENCE
UFO Evidence presents in-depth and quality research, resources, news and information on the UFO phenomenon. It is one of the largest internet sites on the UFO subject. Sections include selected UFO cases, UFO photos, UFO sightings, and articles and topics related to the UFO / ET / Alien phenomenon.
Humanoid/Occupant/Encounter Cases - UFO EVIDENCE
The Varginha Incident (Brazil) January, 20, 1996 - Varginha, Brazil. In 1996 in Varginha, Brazil, during the course of several weeks at least two and perhaps as many as six alien creatures were captured or killed and turned over to American authorities, and a UFO may have crashed.
1965 Kecksburg UFO crash: The Story - UFO Evidence
On 9th December 1965 hundreds of witnesses in Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania observed a UFO crash. It first appeared to be nothing more than a spectacular meteorite but 30 years on it is still a source of much controversy amongst UFO researchers.
A Revival of the 61-Month Wave Theory Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. The Knowles family CE-II encounter with an ovoid-shaped UFO on the Nullarbor Plateau in Western Australia January 20th was right on target in terms of time and place, according to the 61-month wave cycle first proposed by Dr. David Saunders back in 1971.
Background on the Kecksburg Incident - UFO Evidence
An object landed near the tiny town of Kecksburg, PA on December 9, 1965. It was observed as a fireball in the sky across several U.S. states and Canada.