Region Stuttgart - Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft & Lebensqualität
Wohlfühlstandort. Bei der Lebensqualität nimmt die Region Stuttgart in internationalen Umfragen regelmäßig einen Spitzenplatz ein. Eine lebendige Vereinskultur, die aktive Kunst- und Musikszene und idyllische Landschaften direkt vor der Haustür machen die Region zu einem außergewöhnlich attraktiven Ort zum Leben.
Stuttgart Region - Economy, Science & Quality of Life
Mar 12, 2024 · Feel-good location. When it comes to quality of life, the Stuttgart region regularly occupies a top spot in international surveys. A lively club culture, the active art and music scene and idyllic landscapes right on the doorstep make the …
Stuttgart region – essential facts and information
The highly developed industrial conurbation is for its economic power, his technological leadership and excellent universities as well as its high level Quality of life known. The Stuttgart Region Association with its regional parliament deals with questions of regional organization and ensures quick decisions and their effective implementation.
179 municipalities - Stuttgart region
179 municipalities, 5 districts, one state capital Right in the middle - the Stuttgart region is located in the center of the German southwest. In addition to the state capital, it includes the five surrounding districts of Böblingen, Esslingen, Göppingen, Ludwigsburg and the Rems-Murr district. Around 179 million people live in 2,8 cities and municipalities.
Politics & Organization - Stuttgart Region
Politics & Organization The Stuttgart region includes 179 cities and municipalities in the five districts of Böblingen, Esslingen, Ludwigsburg, Göppingen, the Rems-Murr district and the state capital Stuttgart. Together they form a metropolitan region that is closely interconnected through economic relationships, commuter movements and settlement structures.
Welcome - Stuttgart Region
Welcome to the Stuttgart region The Stuttgart region is one of the most innovative business locations in Europe and home to 2,8 million people from around 180 nations. They are all an enrichment for the economy, research and culture in the entire region. Become part of this dynamic community and develop your potential here. Arriving in the Stuttgart region So that […]
Your Region Stuttgart - Region Stuttgart
🎉New Year's raffle 🎉 We are giving away 1x2 tickets for the game @frischaufgp against @scmagdeburg on February 23.2.25rd, 16 at 30:XNUMX p.m.
Stuttgart Region Association
The political level of the Stuttgart region The Stuttgart Region Association was founded in 1994 by a law of the state of Baden-Württemberg. It is the political level of the Stuttgart region in the form of a corporation under public law. Every five years, the citizens elect the regional assembly. This regional “parliament” is unique in Baden-Württemberg and has […]
179 Kommunen - Region Stuttgart
179 Kommunen, 5 Landkreise, eine Landeshauptstadt Mittendrin – die Region Stuttgart liegt im Zentrum des deutschen Südwestens. Neben der Landeshauptstadt gehören die fünf umliegenden Landkreise Böblingen, Esslingen, Göppingen, Ludwigsburg sowie der Rems-Murr-Kreis dazu. In 179 Städten und Gemeinden leben rund 2,8 Millionen Menschen.
Region Stuttgart –Wesentliche Fakten und Informationen
Der hoch entwickelte industrielle Ballungsraum ist für seine Wirtschaftskraft, seine technologische Spitzenstellung und exzellenten Hochschulen sowie seine hohe Lebensqualität bekannt. Der Verband Region Stuttgart mit seinem Regionalparlament befasst sich mit den Fragen der regionalen Organisation und sorgt für schnelle Entscheidungen und deren effektive Umsetzung.