为使旅客方便快捷出行,缓解机场值机柜台压力,各家航空公司相继开通“网上值机”服务。购买了电子客票且未办理过变更手续和有确定航班的成人旅客,可以免去到机场值机柜台长时间排队的烦恼,在航班预计起飞时间前,通过网络,足不出户地确认航班,选择喜爱的座位,打印登机牌,完成办 …
Civil Aviation Administration of China - CAAC
On January 9, the 2025 National Civil Aviation Work Conference was held in Beijing. Focusing on the guidance of Xi Jinping Thoughts on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the conference fully implemented the philosophies of the 20th CPC National Congress, and its Second and Third Plenary Sessions, the Central Economic Work Conf...
English Translation Version for Reference Only CAAC CTSO-C171 - 6 - b. Dimensional drawings. c. Material and process specifications. 7. Furnished data Requirements.
Administrative Rules on Civil Aircraft Maintenance Personnel License CCAR-66 R3 Page 4 / 13 Chapter I General § 66.1 Purpose and Basis In order to standardize the issuance and administration of civil aircraft maintenance personnel
About CAAC
II. Assume the supervisory responsibilities of civil aviation flight and ground safety. Conduct certification, supervision and inspection of civil aircraft operators, airman training organizations, civil aeronautical products, and maintenance service providers; supervise the air transport of dangerous goods; conduct nationality registration, and operational certification of civil aircraft ...
Draft laws, regulations, policies, and standards governing civil aviation transport, general aviation and market administration, management of the transport of dangerous goods by air, transport service quality management, and the protection of rights and interests of civil aviation consumers, and oversee the execution.
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2024 年第 11 号
中华人民共和国交通运输部令. 2024. 年第11 号 《通用机场管理规定》已于. 2024. 年11 月 2 日经第22 次部务会议通过,现予公布,自2025年4月1日起施行。
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民航安全管理体系审核管理办法 年修订版
ii)参加单位内部按照民航局SMS审核员培训大纲组织开展 的内审员培训 (培训教员应具备SMS外审审核员资格); iii)依据 《民航安全管理体系 (SMS)审核员培训管理办
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4 第四条 标准分为强制性标准和推荐性标准。 强制性标准应当对直接涉及民航工程建设质量、安全、 生态环保、资源节约,以及对公众利益有重大影响等方面明
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民用航空器事件调查员 管理办法
民用航空器事件调查员管理办法 第一章总则 第一条 为规范民用航空器事件调查员 (以下简称调查员) 管理工作 , 根据 《民用航空器事件技术调查规定 》