Home - Murphdog Magazine
Top Pros are among the highest-rated, most popular professionals on Thumbtack. I’m Jenna Robbins. It’s important that you know who I am, and what makes MURPHDOG MAGAZINE different.
PRIVATE DOG TRAINING - Murphdog Magazine
Feb 20, 2025 · Top Pros are among the highest-rated, most popular professionals on Thumbtack. I’m Jenna Robbins. It’s important that you know who I am, and what makes MURPHDOG MAGAZINE different.
TRAINING EQUIPMENT - Murphdog Magazine
THE LEASH I USE AND RECOMMEND The leash I use for training as well as walking with my dogs is a 6 ft cotton web lead. It's easy on the hand yet allows for better control as it won't slide through your hand the way a nylon leash would. I also use a 15ft lead
About - Murphdog Magazine
WHY IS MURPHDOG MAGAZINE TOP-DOG? A LIFETIME OF UNDERSTANDING, EXPERIENCE, KNOWLEDGE, AND LOVE I'm Jenna Robbins. I want you to know who I am and what makes MURPHDOG MAGAZINE different. Being a dog lover does not qualify anyone for top-dog status. I achieved this accomplishment with thirty years of hands-on experience working in multiple dog-related
Jul 17, 2024 · The complaint I often hear from pet parents is that their dog PULLS ON THE LEASH. If their dog could talk to me, I bet the number one complaint would be that the pet parent pulls on the other end of the leash! Remember Newton’s Third Law: Action and Reaction? It simply states, “For every
HERDING DOGS - Murphdog Magazine
HERDING DOGS The herding dog group includes the Bearded Collie and Border Collies, Welsh Corgis, and German Shepherds. This category has the natural instinct to herd farm animals or round up different herds of animals including cattle, sheep, and goats. It is not unusual to find that when adopting a herding dog, the dog will
TRAINING - Murphdog Magazine
Training consists of four fundamental components; each being equally important. Each component of training, works in concert to mold a family dog into a member of the family! I invite you to view my training services, reviews and profile on Thumbtack. Thank you, Jenna Robbins HOUSE TRAINING: Before addressing any other training, house
CONTACT JENNA - Murphdog Magazine
Top Pros are among the highest-rated, most popular professionals on Thumbtack. I’m Jenna Robbins. It’s important that you know who I am, and what makes MURPHDOG MAGAZINE different. Being a dog lover does not qualify anyone for top-dog status. I achieved this accomplishment by having thirty years ...
TRAINING- Archives - Murphdog Magazine
Jan 23, 2025 · Top Pros are among the highest-rated, most popular professionals on Thumbtack. I’m Jenna Robbins. It’s important that you know who I am, and what makes MURPHDOG MAGAZINE different.
Jan 23, 2025 · Just as the relationship between parent and child has changed over the years, from disciplinarian to a more relaxed friendship, so has the relationship between human and canine. With this change has come a born-again kind of love for dogs, and the quality of their lives has become as important as any other family member.