Department of Resources - FloodCheck Queensland
FloodCheck Queensland is a web map application that provides information on flood plains, modelled and historic flood maps, imagery and reports.
Department of Resources - FloodCheck Queensland (Mobile)
FloodCheck Queensland is a web map application that provides information on flood plains, modelled and historic flood maps, imagery and reports.
Department of Resources - FloodCheck Queensland Mobile Web …
These are provided to give an indication of potential flooding based on predictive flood heights at the local river gauge. Simulations identify potential areas of impact as a result of a potential flood event.
Commission of Inquiry following significant flooding in Queensland in 2010/11. The QFMP program involves collecting historical flood information and undertaking flood investigations and flood hazard mapping for up to 100 “at risk” towns in Queensland.
this investigation is intended to be a dynamic fit for purpose approach to flood mapping in Queensland for many communities that would otherwise not have flood mapping. While these outputs and products have been developed using the best available data, it is recommended that the Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) check and verify the maps
Central to these guidelines is the Queensland Flood Mapping Program (QFMP) which seeks to address a number of the Commission recommendations by establishing flood and flood hazard mapping across the state.
flood study pilot for the Condamine-Balonne river basin. This comprised river basin-wide flood modelling of two flood events, an ‘extreme’ event and 1% AEP event, utilising the latest TUFLOW GPU numerical flood model software, which enables production of whole of …
Title : Flood Hazard Mapping – Mitchell (Bundle 3) Final Report Author : Cecile Peille / David Sturgeon-Smith Synopsis : Report describing the development and output of the flood hazard mapping study for
(QLDRA) is undertaking a program to implement the Queensland Flood Commission of Inquiry recommendations which are: (1) Collation, repository and display of flood information across the state; and (2) Flood investigations and flood hazard mapping.
flood study defines the nature of the flood risk by providing flood information on the extent, flood level, velocity of the floodwaters and the distribution of floodwaters across the sections of the floodplains adjacent to the townships.