Beatmap / Genre and language · wiki | osu!
Beatmaps submitted to the website have genre and language fields to help categorise songs. They are considered to be part of a beatmap's metadata. Genre and language have no …
beatmap listing - osu!
Beatmaps Listing
Best Hip Hop/Rap Maps : r/osugame - Reddit
Aug 14, 2022 · A trick is to go to the osu web search bar, and type rap or hip hop. If a mapper has rap or hip hop in tags, the map will show up! If you are ok with non-ranked maps too, click 'any' …
Top 50 Most Popular osu! Beatmaps - Tech How
Jan 1, 2021 · Play a variety of beatmaps: This will help you to learn how to adapt to different rhythm patterns, tempos, and musical genres. Take breaks: Taking breaks will prevent burnout …
Beatmap · wiki | osu!
After the submission, a beatmap gains additional metadata fields, such as description, language, genre, and the explicit content marker, which can be changed by the beatmap author …
osu!Collector | Find osu! beatmap collections
collection of maps intended to train precision most maps are to be played with hr
20 Best Osu Beatmaps - Followchain
Dec 11, 2021 · Osu has a public beatmap listing where you can download beatmaps made by other users. After you’ve downloaded a beatmap from the listing, simply double-click it to …
osu!Collector | Find osu! beatmap collections
My 2 Year HDDT/DT farm map collection. Ranges from 150-400+ but mainly 200-300 pp maps
Beatmap Listing - osu!
osu! » Explore the vast collection of beatmaps to find songs which suit your tastes.
hard maps - osu!Collector
Collection uploaded by Cythraul
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