Download iTunes 4.1 for Windows - OldVersion.com
Oct 16, 2003 · Windows support added, voice notes, on-the-go playlists.
Download Links for Older iTunes Versions - Apple Community
Feb 1, 2021 · I would like to know if you (or anyone else!) has direct links to any other iTunes versions that Apple is still hosting. These links are super helpful, so I would appreciate it if you could share any other links you can get your hands on :)
iTunes - Apple
Visit the iTunes Store on iOS to buy and download your favorite songs, TV shows, movies, and podcasts. You can also download the latest macOS for an all-new entertainment experience on desktop. Your library will transfer automatically to the …
Download Old Versions of iTunes for Windows - OldVersion.com
iTunes is a free media player application available for both Mac and PC. It can be used to download and play digital music and videos providing excellent content management which allows you to organize.
Download iTunes for Windows - Apple Support
Apr 4, 2024 · In Windows 10 and later, you can access your music, video content, and Apple devices in their own dedicated apps: Apple Music app, Apple TV app, and Apple Devices app. If your PC doesn’t support these apps, you can continue to use iTunes for Windows.
Old versions of itunes 4.1.7, 4.9, 5.0.1 - Apple Community
May 19, 2006 · I have system 10.1.5 (and also 9.2.2 available) and if possible would like a version of itunes that I can get podcasts with. Please suggest the proper version, and more importantly, tell me where I can find the older versions of itunes to download (I have only been able to ind 4.1.7 in downloads...
iTunes 4.1.1 : Apple Computer : Free Download, Borrow, and …
Oct 16, 2003 · Please download files in this item to interact with them on your computer.
iTunes 4.1 Download - iTunes.exe
iTunes version 4.1 (iTunes.exe). iTunes allow you to organize and enjoy the music, movies, and TV shows in your computer.
iTunes 4.1.1 for Windows [Updated] - MacRumors
Oct 22, 2003 · Update: What's New: iTunes 4.1.1 includes improved performance when using your iPod, addresses an incompatibility with Windows 2000 and older third-party CD burning software, and improves...
GUIdebook > ... > iTunes > Mini player
The iTunes in its minimized mode. iTunes 1.1 (on Mac OS 9). Mini player in iTunes 1.1