Zulu warriors vs British bayonets | History Forum
Jun 8, 2020 · Zulus would sometimes use clubs, but it was a separate weapon requiring a change of hands. The bayonet's superior reach can be partially offset by the Zulus having shields. The …
Mongols (1350) Vs British (1879) - History Forum
Depends on the scenario. If the British were caught in the open, even if they were armed with the Martini-Henry rifle of the time the horse archers of the Mongols would win. In a defensible …
Mongols vs Zulus - History Forum
Nov 4, 2011 · Yeah but the British have a huge advantage in technology over the Mongols. I still kinda think 1:1 for Mongol vs Zulu would be a little to much in favor of the Mongols perhaps. …
Mongols vs Zulus | Page 2 | History Forum - historum.com
Nov 4, 2011 · Well given very unfavorable circumstances for the Mongols, such as an ambush by the Zulus or bad terrain for cavlry, the Zulu could win with a numerical superiority of 5:1 or …
Mongols vs Zulus | Page 3 | History Forum - historum.com
Nov 4, 2011 · The Zulus failed (it was more of a draw than a defeat) to win at Rorke's Drift because the British were fighting from a fortified position. The Zulus were fatally addicted to …
Mongols vs Zulus | Page 4 | History Forum - historum.com
Nov 4, 2011 · They outnumbered the British 24-1 but I still think it was very impressive. The Zulu numerical advantage was more than offset by British weaponry. 24 British volleys would have …
Mongols vs Zulus | Page 6 | History Forum - historum.com
The idea of the Mongols reaching that far down into Darkest Africa is highly speculative. Africa was known to the Europeans for thousands of years, but little was known of it's deeper …
Zulu or Ashanti, who would win? - History Forum
Aug 12, 2017 · As for the Zulu vs. the British, the Zulu performance was not better than the Sudanese Mahdists against the British. It was actually less impressive. So I do not know why it …
Zulus, Romans, and British | History Forum - historum.com
Nov 8, 2017 · It is well known that the Zulus were heavily outmatched in the Anglo-Zulu war. Even in their victory at Isalwanda (no idea how to spell it:eek:), they took heavy casualties. However, …
Aztec vs Zulu - History Forum
Then there's the speed, Zulus can actually outrun cavalry, and did, both British and Boar, the steadyness of infantry with the maneuverabilty of cavalry, the only army in the world ever to …