Birds - Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens
Birds. Birds are the only vertebrates that have feathers. All birds are warm-blooded and lay eggs. Adaptations such as hollow bones enable most birds to fly, although there are flightless birds, …
Our Animals - Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens
Our Animals. The Zoo is home to more than 1,700 mammals, birds, amphibians, fish, and reptiles representing more than 270 different species, of which more than 60 are endangered.
California Condor - Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens
With a nine-and-a-half foot wingspan, these ancient birds can fly more than 100 miles each day in search of carcasses to feed on. Condors roost on rocky ledges and in treetops where they can …
Galah Cockatoo - Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens
Galahs are medium-sized, stocky birds measuring around 14 inches from beak to tail and weight anywhere between 300 to 400 grams. The beak of the galah is short and blunt designed for …
Black-Crowned Crane - Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens
Cranes are tall, elegant, long-legged, long-necked birds best known for their elaborate dances during breeding season. The dances are spectacular and involve swaying, jumping (up to …
Bird Gardens - Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens
With our bird gardens, the Los Angeles Zoo is inviting our wild, feathered neighbors—and migratory visitors—to make themselves at home. You can join us by creating a bird-friendly …
Flamingos - Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens
Flamingos are extremely gregarious birds with some flocks consisting of up to 200,000 paired birds. The entire colony breeds at the same time. Each monogamous pair builds a cylindrical …
Black-Headed Weaver - Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens
These birds are widely distributed across most of Africa south of the Sahara Desert. They are often found in woodlands, parks, and rural villages and prefer to be close to water. DIET
Ostrich - Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens
Ostriches, the world’s largest and heaviest birds, are unable to fly, but have wings. Why? They evolved from flighted ancestors. The birds use their soft, loose feathers for balance when …
Sarus Crane - Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens
Reaching about six feet in height, the sarus crane is the world’s tallest flying bird. Their elaborate courtship dances include bowing, hopping, wing flapping, and stick or grass tossing. The pair …