What were your biggest jump scares in the Resident Evil series?
The lurkers, AKA giant frogs, that jump out of the water in RE0. The ones that jump out at random still get me every single time lol. The first time seeing a Hunter was really good too. The giant spider that creeps in overhead in REmake. The fridge zombie on the train in RE0, so dumb but I …
Is there a way to deactivate the new jump scare noise?
Sep 20, 2021 · Before the new jump scare noise was added, I could happily play Project Zomboid even during midnight. But ever since I got spooked the fuck out by that one zombie who appeared out of nowhere as I was clearing the storage lot in the upper right part of Knox County, I just couldn't play the game anymore. I was traumatized.
Random jump scare noise with no zombies? What causes it?
Oct 4, 2023 · And im absolutly not an horror movie fan. I find this really occurate, it adds some spice to the game nonother game bring me. This is not scripted jump scare, like horror game and movies badly overuse, like a cheap scare effect. Even the annoying "zombie slaming a door so you know it's here" jumpscare is good to me. I bet it's up to anyone.
What's the most memorable jump scare in the ENTIRE series?
The Dog Corridor and a closet zombie a bit later in the OG RE1 was 100% not ready for either hyper intense jump scare. The closet zombie scared my buddy so bad he went into a full on 2 minute scream/panic attack/hyper ventilating situation that was scarier than both jump scares lol.
How do I turn off the jumpscare noises? : r/projectzomboid - Reddit
Sep 17, 2021 · That's exactly what I think, it seems bizarre to make sound design of all things the thing users can't freely change. I'd understand not being able to change the zombie stats, because the developers have a set idea of what a zombie should be, but not letting us change obnoxious, jump-scare inducing sounds is very annoying.
What is the sound file for the zombie "jumpscare"? - Reddit
Apr 15, 2023 · Don't worry, it's worth the try, but that ones are the old ones, I already knew them, I'm trying to find specifically the new one, the loud one that makes you jump when encounter a zombie The old ones aren't really a jumpscare, more like a "hey, there is a zombie there" warning
The most memorable jump-scare [Resident Evil] - Reddit
Fixed camera angles were also in Silent Hill. Only very rarely. SH was rendered in real-time, unlike the pre-rendered backgrounds of RE. The scarce fixed camera angles of the Silent Hill games could still work just fine today, since they were reserved for times when you weren't in combat, so they didn't interfere with gam
I'm done. I'm really *really* tired of having to look at zombie …
Feb 6, 2024 · You copied that zombie jump scare without understanding why it does what it does, and as a result your show IS GARBAGE. AGAIN. Honestly, kill this thing with fire. It was a bad idea. I'm putting my foot down, and you are NOT doing unique zombie characters uintil somebody points to a real problem.
What is the best jump scare in a video game for you? : r/horror
Back when I was younger and ill never forget it was the old school resident evil games always had a very good jump scare that got me. First was the dog coming through the window in the first game, the second was the zombies breaking through the gun shop window and lastly was the crows coming out of the bus windows in the 3rd game.
Private room Jump Scare : r/DeathStranding - Reddit
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