Geographic Information Systems | Yuma County
Our GIS division would like to assist, promote, develop and maintain a shared geographic information system resource that is not only accessible by the public and user-friendly, but also maximizes data quality and speed for system users, thus keeping costs down and saving tax dollars. The new GIS mapping applications is now available.
Assessor | Yuma County
The Yuma County Assessor's Office strives to locate, identify and appraise all property that is subject to ad valorem taxation, at current market value or at the level established by law, classify all property by Assessment category and process exemptions established by law.
Yuma County, AZ Plat Map - Property Lines, Land Ownership
View free online plat map for Yuma County, AZ. Get property lines, land ownership, and parcel information, including parcel number and acres.
Enter EagleWeb - Tyler Tech
This site is designed to provide you with a vast amount of data on properties located in Yuma County, Arizona. Using this site, you can easily access current ownership, sales information, tax history, and assessment history on parcels.
Maps & GIS | Arizona State Land Department
Arizona State Land Department offers printed, paper maps which show the location of Arizona State Trust land as well as Federal Lands located in Arizona. Maps are produced from ASLD's GIS Database and are printed on a commercial grade printer.
Geocortex Viewer for HTML5 - Yuma County, Arizona
This application uses licensed Geocortex Essentials technology for the Esri ® ArcGIS platform. All rights reserved.
Yuma County, AZ Parcels Map | PropertyShark.com
PropertyShark.com provides a large collection of online real estate maps of Yuma County, AZ so you can rapidly view parcel outlines, address numbers, neighborhood boundaries, zip codes, school districts and, where available, the FEMA Flood Zones and building classification.
YC_Parcels (MapServer) - Yuma County, Arizona
View In: ArcGIS JavaScript ArcGIS Online Map Viewer ArcGIS Earth ArcMap ArcGIS Pro View Footprint In: ArcGIS Online Map Viewer Service Description: Map Name: Map Legend All Layers and Tables Dynamic Legend Dynamic All Layers Layers: YC.SDE.PARCEL_VIEW (0)
Yuma County, AZ Plat Maps & Ownership Data - Acres
Discover Yuma County, Arizona plat maps and property boundaries. Search 94,551 parcel records and views insights like land ownership information, soil maps, and elevation. Acres features 126 sold land records in Yuma County with a median price per acre of $6,912.
GIS Maps - Yuma County, AZ (Data, Parcel & Tax Maps) - County …
Explore various GIS maps in Yuma County, AZ, including urban planning, cadastral, environmental, and city maps. Access government GIS records for detailed land, property, and municipal boundary information.