Pair of Yellowtail Damselfish in 5-10 gallon? | Reef2Reef
Nov 12, 2024 · As my name implies, I am (well, will be) a reef fish breeder, and I plan to breed Damselfish. Now, clearly if I put a pair in my main tank of 20g they will kill any animal that comes near the eggs. So do you think 5 gallons is enough for …
Yellowtail damselfish | Reef2Reef
Feb 28, 2017 · In my 3ft 55 gallons DT, I only have 2 orange storm clownfish at this time. I am looking to add more fish. The next one I want to add is 1 yellowtail damselfish. Will they fight? My clownfish are under 2” right now. full future stock list: 1 Yellow corris wrasse 1 Pink streaked wrasse 1 Tanaka...
Multiple Yellow Tail Damsels | Reef2Reef
Mar 17, 2014 · Hello all and happy Friday! I have a single Yellow Tail Damsel, and have had for several years. I recently decided that I really like this fish. It is small, not very aggressive and looks neat. I have seen many pictures tanks which have several of …
Which fish can live with a damselfish | Reef2Reef
Mar 30, 2020 · To play it safe, stick with species from Chrysiptera like Azure, Talbot, Springer’s, Rolland’s, Yellowtail, Tracey’s, Tuxedo (research, these look very similar to the striped damsels of the Dascyllus genus, you don’t wanna end up with a Three-Stripe or Four-Stripe) maybe King (Chrysiptera Rex) demoiselles too.
best damselfish for a community system | Reef2Reef
Jun 18, 2021 · I want to have a damselfish in my aquarium but am aware of the warning against their nature. I heard Azure (not to be confused with the yellowtail) Damsels are the least aggressive species as far as damselfish go. My current stock: 1 pair of occelaris 1 Royal Gramma 1 pair of banggais I...
Help with yellow tail damsel | Reef2Reef
Oct 2, 2014 · I just bought my first fish a few weeks ago as well, and mine was a yellowtail, too. It's my understanding, that damsels are usually aggressive, but the yellowtail is the more peaceful of the damsels. Yeah, I have also heard it's a good idea to move around a few rocks in the tank to confuse the damsels a bit when adding new fish.
Tank size for a pair of Yellowtail Damselfish? | Reef2Reef
Oct 30, 2024 · I plan to breed Damselfish next, specifically Yellowtail Damselfish, but I clearly won't be getting a pair in my display tank. As far as I know, Damsels are hermaphrodites (I don't really remember the correct name, but they are all born female and some become male), so what space could you...
Damsel Tank or Clown Tank? | Reef2Reef - REEF2REEF Saltwater …
Nov 18, 2024 · Yes, I have a yellowtail in a 20 gallon and it only took a few days for her to take over her territory and be aggressive. But what I mean is, having a school of Damselfish or something like that would honestly be beautiful, maybe even more so …
Damsel fish | Reef2Reef
Aug 18, 2019 · I would assume a yellow tail and azure damsel would be similar to a springier in terms of flatworm control. A six line wrasse doesn’t need substrate and is a classic frag tank fish for pest control, but will be mean to other fish, a pink streaked wrasse will be less active/effective but a lot more peaceful
Question on Adding a Yellowtail Damsel or Not | Reef2Reef
Jul 10, 2015 · There are literally hundreds of species of damselfish. Most are very aggressive. However, the genus Chrysiptera has some of the mellowist and community friendly members. The yellow tail, Chrysiptera parasemena, is a good choice for a community tank.