Yellow fever - World Health Organization (WHO)
May 31, 2023 · Yellow fever is prevented by a vaccine, which is safe and affordable. A single dose of yellow fever vaccine is sufficient to grant life-long protection. A modelling study based on African data sources estimated the burden of yellow fever during 2013 was 84 000–170 000 severe cases and 29 000–60 000 deaths (1).
Yellow fever
Yellow fever vaccine is safe, affordable, and a single dose provides life-long protection against yellow fever disease. The yellow fever vaccine provides immunity within one week in 95% of people vaccinated. A booster dose is not needed. Yellow fever vaccination is carried out for the following reasons: to protect populations living in areas at ...
Yellow Fever - World Health Organization (WHO)
Yellow Fever Vaccines. The attenuated live YF 17D vaccine strain is derived from a wild-type YF virus (the Asibi strain) isolated in Ghana in 1927 and attenuated by serial passages in chicken embryo tissue culture. Two substrains of the 17D vaccine virus are currently used for vaccine production in embryonated chicken eggs, namely 17D-204 and 17DD.
Yellow fever - World Health Organization (WHO)
Mar 2, 2017 · The yellow fever vaccine is safe and affordable, and a single dose provides life-long immunity against the disease. To prevent outbreaks in affected regions, vaccination coverage must reach at least 80% of the population at risk.
Yellow fever - World Health Organization (WHO)
Nov 8, 2023 · Yellow fever is an epidemic-prone vector-borne vaccine preventable viral disease that is transmitted to humans by the bites of infected mosquitos. In some of the unvaccinated individuals, the virus can cause severe illness including jaundice and bleeding (severe cases).
Yellow Fever - World Health Organization (WHO)
Yellow fever (YF) is a mosquito-borne, viral haemorrhagic fever that is endemic in tropical regions of Africa and South America. "Aedes Aegypti" is the vector of YF virus in the urban human-to-human cycle of the transmission, whereas in the jungle (forest, sylvatic) monkey-to-monkey - and accidentally monkey-to-human - cycle, several different ...
Yellow fever vaccines stockpiles - World Health Organization (WHO)
In 2000 a global shortage of yellow fever vaccine occurred, mainly due to a combination of the relatively long time needed to produce the vaccine, and poor epidemiological surveillance and reporting in at-risk countries which made forecasting vaccine needs difficult.
Yellow fever - Ghana - World Health Organization (WHO)
Dec 1, 2021 · Ghana is a high priority country for the Eliminate Yellow Fever Epidemic (EYE) strategy. Vaccination is the primary means for prevention and control of YF. In 1992, the Government of Ghana introduced YF vaccine into the routine immunization programme for children at 9 months as part of the national YF control and elimination programme.
Lifetime validity of one dose of Yellow fever vaccine
May 24, 2014 · Lifetime validity of one dose of Yellow fever vaccine. Amendment to Annex 7 of IHR (2005) 24 May 2014
Yellow fever global vaccine stockpile in emergencies
Jun 16, 2016 · The yellow fever vaccine takes a long time to produce – around 12 months – and it is difficult to forecast in advance the quantities that will be needed each year to respond to outbreaks. The ICG originally planned to stock 2 million doses per year, but, with increasing demands the emergency stockpile was increased to 6 million doses per ...