Makar - Zelda Wiki
Makar is a character in The Wind Waker.[2] Makar is a Korok from the Forest Haven. Under the care of the Great Deku Tree, considered a father figure to the child of the forest, Makar holds a special position among the Koroks as their only musician and performs for them regularly.
Makore | The Legend of Zelda Wiki | Fandom
Makore (マコレ, Makore en japonés?, Makar en inglés), es un Kolog que aparece en The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. Habita junto a otros Kologs en la Isla del Bosque bajo el cuidado del Gran Árbol Deku. Sabe tocar el violín y suele ser el encargado de …
Makar - Zelda Dungeon Wiki, a The Legend of Zelda wiki
Makar is a Korok from The Wind Waker. Like all Koroks, he is able to fly using a Deku Leaf. He also plays the violin, a skill he shares with the ancient Wind Sage, Fado.
Makar - Zeldapedia | Fandom
Makar (マコレ Makore?) is a character from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. He is an adventurous Korok who lives in the Forest Haven. He plays a violin that he has inherited from his ancestors, although due to his size limitations, he plays it in the position of a cello.
Guía The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD
Tras la cascada encontrarás a Makore, el Kolog que rescataste en el Bosque Prohibido. Habla con él y saca la Batuta de los vientos para tocar la Melodía del Espíritu del Viento. Luego pasarás a ver una secuencia y, cuando termine, Makore te pedirá que le lleves a la Isla del Viento (A-4).
Where can i find Makar to enter the Wind temple? - GameFAQs
Mar 24, 2003 · Go outside the Forest Haven, where the waterfall is and stand in front of it. There should be a wooden post above you with which you can swing from your grappeling hook. Swing into the waterfall,...
Finding Makore in Wind Waker HD? : r/zelda - Reddit
Nov 6, 2015 · He can't find Makore, says he went to wind temple and found the wind spirit, and learned the wind spirit melody. Says he is now supposed to go to the island in the forest and find Makore behind the warerfall but he is not there.
[WW] Makar Isn't Under The Waterfall : r/zelda - Reddit
Jan 19, 2023 · I'm playing Wind Waker. I'm getting ready to do the Wind Temple. I've learned the Wind God's Aria. I need to play it to Makar. He's supposed to be under a waterfall outside the Forest Haven. He isn't there? Does anyone know why not?
Zelda: Wind Waker (GameCube) - guiasnintendo.com
Una vez en el palo, desciende todo lo que puedas y balancéate para atravesar la cascada de agua. Dentro encontrarás a Makore. Habla con él y saca la Batuta de los Vientos para tocar la Melodía del Espíritu del Viento.
Makar - Zelda Wiki
Nov 18, 2024 · Makar is a character in The Wind Waker. [2] Makar is a Korok from the Forest Haven. Under the care of the Great Deku Tree, considered a father figure to the child of the forest, Makar holds a special position among the Koroks as …