Who are the prophets in the Bible? - NeverThirsty
The following list of all the true prophets in the Bible includes: a) only those male prophets who are specifically called a prophet, b) those who prophesied, and c) the authors of the books of the Bible as prophets, if the book is prophetic. That is, if Scripture states that a man was a prophet, then he is included.
Prophetesses in the Bible — Who are the women prophets
Prophetesses in the Bible. You will discover the nine woman prophets in the Bible in this study. A short description is given for each one.
The Life and Ministry of Ezekiel The Mute Prophet - NeverThirsty
This study presents the life and ministry of Ezekiel. He was the mute prophet whose wife died as a sign to the Israelites.
How can we know if a prophet is true or false? | NeverThirsty
You will learn what the Bible teaches about how to know if someone, who is performing miracles, signs and wonders, is a true prophet or a false prophet.
How To Know A False Prophet - NeverThirsty
It is important to recognize false prophets and evaluate the spiritual lives of those who teach the Word. Read how Jesus warns us.
Who was the prophet Nahum? - NeverThirsty
Bible Question: Who was the prophet Nahum? Bible Answer: The prophet Nahum (“full of comfort”) wrote the book of Nahum as stated in Nahum 1:1. An oracle concerning Nineveh. The book of the vision of Nahum of Elkosh. Nahum 1:1 (NASB) What is a prophet? He is one who speaks a message from God to someone else. That is exactly what Nahum did. The prophet …
The Prophet Elijah Took Comfort in God | True Faith - JW.ORG
How did Jezebel cause Elijah to be overcome by discouragement and fear? How did Jehovah use an angel with a calm, low voice to comfort his prophet Elijah?
Prophecy vs. Prophesy — What is the meaning of ... - NeverThirsty
Bible Question: What is the biblical definition of prophecy and prophesy? Bible Answer: There is great confusion about the definition of biblical prophecy. This brief study will explain what is prophecy and prophesy in the Bible.
The Prophet Elisha, Naaman the Leper, and a Servant Girl | Bible …
Naaman has leprosy. An Israelite girl gives him the best advice, but his pride nearly keeps him from listening. How are Elisha and Gehazi involved in the story?
Book of Jeremiah - NeverThirsty
Jun 12, 2016 · The prophet Jeremiah was called the weeping prophet. He warned the southern kingdom of Judah judgment was coming. He describes a glorious future for Israel.