Why more dead whales are washing up on U.S. beaches : NPR
Feb 5, 2023 · Since Dec. 1, at least 18 reports have come in about large whales being washed ashore along the Atlantic Coast, according to the Marine Mammal Stranding Network. The losses are hitting...
Experts explain why humpback whales are washing up on the East …
Feb 3, 2023 · The two whales that were washed up on the shore of Assateague are a fraction of the 180 Humpback whales that have been stranded or washed up on an east coast beach in the last seven years.
Scientists finally figure out why hundreds of gray whales keep …
Oct 17, 2023 · Three mortality events have struck gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) living off the coast of North America since the 1980s, reducing the population by 15% to 25% each time, according to a new...
A sixth whale washes up on Massachusetts’ south shore in six …
Dec 27, 2024 · Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC) received a report of a stranded humpback whale on Rexhame Beach in Marshfield the day after Christmas. The female humpback whale was an estimated 27.4 feet long and likely less than three years old.
Misinformation is spreading that washed up whales died from …
Feb 22, 2023 · At least 12 whales have washed up on beaches in New York and New Jersey since December. People are spreading misinformation that off-shore wind development caused their deaths.
Tracking dead whales found along the Jersey Shore, Long Island …
Sep 1, 2023 · More than a dozen dead whales have washed ashore since the start of 2023. The NJDEP says the increase in whale mortalities along the Atlantic coasts is due to climate change.
Dead whales are washing up on the East Coast. The reason …
Jun 9, 2023 · Whale carcasses have increasingly been washing ashore, often in an advanced state of decomposition. There has been such a marked increase in reported humpback deaths that scientists at the...
Why are so many dead whales washing up?
1 day ago · Dead whales on shore can be allowed to decompose naturally, taken to a landfill, buried on the beach, partially incinerated, or sent to laboratories for post-mortem analysis. The skeletons of some whales are preserved and added to museum collections. ... Yes, a blue whale washed up on a beach in Ancud, on Chiloe island in southern Chile, on ...
Humpback whale washes up on Massachusetts shore
Dec 12, 2024 · Whale and Dolphin Conservation's Marine Animal Rescue and Response team responded to the stranding of a juvenile humpback in south Plymouth on Tuesday, December 10. While the young whale has not yet been identified, he is suspected to be less than two years old.
Why are so many whales getting stranded on US beaches? - New …
Feb 21, 2023 · In the past three months, nearly two dozen large whales have washed ashore on beaches on the east coast of the US. The surge in strandings has experts worried about the already vulnerable...