Waterfall charts in ggplot2 with waterfalls package | R CHARTS
Use the waterfalls package to create waterfall charts in ggplot2. Learn how to customize the colors and the appearance of the graph.
ggplot2: Waterfall Charts - R-bloggers
May 10, 2010 · Waterfall charts are often used for analytical purposes in the business setting to show the effect of sequentially introduced negative and/or positive values. Sometimes waterfall charts are also referred to as cascade charts.
CRAN: Package waterfalls - The Comprehensive R Archive Network
This package contains a single function (waterfall) that simply draws a waterfall chart in a 'ggplot2' object. Some flexibility is provided, though often the object created will need to be modified through a theme.
Basic Waterfall Graphs in R
In the following article, I provide a template for how to set up a basic waterfall graph in R with dplyr and ggplot2 libraries. A waterfall graph generally reads from left to right with the starting and ending values represented by vertically drawn bars.
Create waterfall chart with GGPLOT2 - Anh Hoang Duc
May 9, 2018 · To create waterfall chart, we could use geom_segment from ggplot2. mutate(ymax = eop + churn) melt(id.vars = c("date", "eop", "ymax")) %>% . mutate(ymin = ymax - value) %>% . rename(group = variable) mutate(xmin = case_when( group == "new" ~ date - step, TRUE ~ date . )) %>% . mutate(xmax = case_when( group == "new" ~ date, TRUE ~ date + step. ))
Waterfall Charts in R - Plotly
Detailed examples of Waterfall Charts including changing color, size, log axes, and more in R.
Waterfall Charts in R
This package provides support for creating waterfall charts in R using both traditional base and lattice graphics.
This package contains a single function (water-fall) that simply draws a waterfall chart in a 'ggplot2' object. Some flexibility is pro-vided, though often the object created will need to be modified through a theme.
Waterfall chart in R
Creating a Waterfall chart in R GGPLOt. Using the waterfall package lets run the first chart. In all simplicity if we had only two columns in the data then the numeric column is used for values and the character or factor column will be used for defining the labels.
Waterfall charts using ggplot2 in R - UNext
Jan 20, 2015 · Waterfall charts can be used in many areas including inventory analysis, profit-loss analysis, and sales analysis. Excel is a popular tool used for creating waterfall charts. But R gives us a quick easy way to create these charts!