Home | Washington County
Washington County ranks 12th largest of the 64 Colorado counties with a total of 2524 square miles. The 2015 population was 4,814 averaging over 320 acres for every man, woman and …
Departments | Washington County
Here’s where you’ll find all the departments and divisions that make Washington County work for everyone. You can access hundreds of information categories from A-Z; use our property tax …
Washington County Commissioners
As the County's chief administrative body, the three County Commissioners must make major financial decisions and transactions. The Board has the official duty to ensure the fiscal …
Assessor's Office | Washington County
The Assessor’s Office is responsible for discovering, listing, classifying and valuing all of the real and personal property in the county. The work of the office is audited annually by an …
Clerk's Office | Washington County
The Clerk and Recorder's Office administers election procedures and voter registration, acts as agent for the State Department of Revenue to handle motor vehicle and driver’s license …
Maps | Washington County
Washington County Courthouse - 150 Ash Avenue - Akron, Colorado 80720 - (970) 345-2701
Historical Information | Washington County
An act of the Colorado General Assembly created Washington County, named for the “Father of his Country” (George Washington) on February 9, 1887. In 1889, Yuma County was taken …
County Directory | Washington County
Washington County - 150 Ash Avenue - Akron, CO - 80720 . Clerk & Driver's License - (970)345-6565. Treasurer - (970)345-6601. Assessor - (970)345-6662
Washington County Assessor
The Assessor's Office assigns values to county real estate and personal property, both taxable and tax-exempt, as the basis for property taxes set by various taxing authorities. Property …
Washington County Clerk and Recorder
Washington County Clerk and Recorder; Washington County Clerk and Recorder Annie Kuntz. 150 Ash Avenue / PO Box L Akron, CO 80720-1510 ... Clerk and Recorder's Facebook Page. …