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Apr 11, 2014 · "Question #8: What is your favorite episode of Victorious? [From @jose98_andre] Answer: I often get asked what my favorite episodes are (mostly about Drake & Josh, Zoey 101, iCarly, and Victorious). It's a tough question – sort of like asking a parent "Which is your favorite child?" I like all episodes for different reasons.
Message Board Basketball Forum - InsideHoops
Jan 4, 2025 · Take 20 seconds and register an InsideHoops forum username! It's all free, of course! Grab a cool nickname (you are anon!) and post messages.
They are finally doing a remake of The Running Man, let's hope it …
Total Recall and this movie were Arnold movies. You simply can't "remake" Arnold Schwarzenegger flick. He's too unique of an actor.
Lebron James - 4 FMVPs - 2nd best Winner of all time - Page 3
Aug 25, 2024 · Lebron cemented himself as the second best player of all time YEARS ago. Bron is the second best winner of all time and is still playing at an ALL-NBA level which is incredible.
Is Houston Rockets a legit title contender? - insidehoops.com
Jan 27, 2025 · Yep. They've recently beat Memphis twice, Cleveland twice, and now Boston in Boston. Houston is a deep and well-coached team fueled by effort, defense, and rebounding.
bruce willis - InsideHoops.com
Dec 31, 2023 · Advanced Search; Forum; InsideHoops Main Basketball Forums; Off the Court Lounge; Page 1 of 2 1 2 Last 1 2 Last
Orlando Summer League Basketball - InsideHoops.com
MIAMI HEAT 63, ORLANDO MAGIC 57 -- NBA.com reports: Daequan Cook continued to struggle for the victorious Heat, scoring five points on 1-for-8 (12.5%) shooting from the floor. John Edwards paced the Heat with 14 points and four rebounds. The Magic’s James Augustine finished with a double-double, scoring 10 points and pulling down 10 rebounds.
The Myths of Simmons' Six Myths on the Russell vs. Wilt debate
Jan 20, 2010 · Continuing on about the quality of play between Russell's cast, and Wilt's, here was my take from another post on a similar topic: Well, for the record, from the '59-'60 season thru the '68-'69 season, Bill Russell played with 19 other teammates in the All-Star game, while Wilt played alongside 16 all-star teammates.
Why did Kobe perform so poorly in the Finals? [Archive]
Sep 7, 2021 · Actually I agree with you but only because KD was goat-level - that was peak KD and he was superior to Lebron at that time - he made the Warriors unbeatable, but his cast (Curry/Klay + championship vets) wasn't better than Lebron's in my eyes (Kyrie/Love + championship vets)
The reason Wilt Chamberlain was traded from Philly to L.A …
Oct 13, 2010 · The facts were, when Wilt had a healthy and equal supporting cast, as was the case in '67, he CRUSHED Russell (as he almost always did), and his teammates neutralized Russell's edge...and the result was a resounding 4-1 series blowout win …