Home | Accelerating the energy transition | VARO Energy
VARO Energy is committed to accelerating the energy transition with a blend of conventional and sustainable energy solutions. Learn about their innovative approach, reliable energy supply, and sustainable practices that meet diverse energy needs across Europe.
Our company | Accelerating the energy transition | VARO Energy
VARO Energy, a Swiss-based company, leads in the energy sector, focusing on sustainable energy transition through innovative solutions and strong partnerships. Founded in 2012, VARO is committed to high ethical standards and low-carbon energy.
Our business | Accelerating the energy transition | VARO Energy
Explore VARO Energy's integrated end-to-end value chain, from sourcing and production to transportation and distribution. Discover their wide range of energy solutions, including conventional and sustainable options, and learn how VARO supports the energy needs of various sectors across Europe.
Home - VARO Germany
VARO Energy ist ein führendes europäisches Energieunternehmen, das auf den Vertrieb von konventionellen sowie nachhaltigen Energieprodukten und Dienstleistungen spezialisiert ist. Unser Geschäft
Our strategy | Accelerating the energy transition | VARO Energy
Discover VARO Energy's ONE VARO Transformation strategy aimed at becoming the leading energy transition partner. Learn about their twin engine strategy, which integrates conventional and sustainable energy solutions, their 2026 goals, …
Imprint | Accelerating the energy transition | VARO Energy
The VARO name, the associated slogans, logos and graphical representations as well as the names of VARO’s products must not be used without VARO’s written authorisation. Subject to these provisions, the user must neither copy nor alter or reproduce the information and elements appearing on this website in whatever manner.
Über uns - VARO Germany
Bei VARO stützt sich unser Geschäft auf Menschen. Der Aufbau starker und dauerhafter persönlicher Beziehungen steht im Mittelpunkt unseres Ansatzes und wir stellen dies in unserer Art, Geschäfte zu machen, unter Beweis.
Sustainability | Accelerating the energy transition | VARO Energy
Explore VARO Energy's commitment to sustainability through their ESG strategy. Learn about their goals to achieve Net Zero by 2040, environmental initiatives, social responsibility, and governance practices that drive long-term value creation and support the energy transition.
Panel discussion at the International Energy Week 2025
Our CEO recently joined a panel discussion at the International Energy Week, on how to turn Europe’s energy transition ambitions into real, scalable progress.
VARO announces new strategy to invest $3.5 billion and ... - VARO …
VARO to invest around $3.5 billion over the 2022-26 period, with two-third committed to Sustainable Energies; Strategy builds on momentum VARO has created as a major biofuels marketing and distribution franchise in Europe, alongside investments in SilviCarbon and E-Flux; Twin engines will grow EBITDA 3x by 2026 to $1bn, up from $321 million in ...