Murder of Crows - 5th Edition SRD
A murder of crows is a disorienting mass of angered birds. The crows making up the swarm have the same general characteristics and habitat of normal crows but attack in a screeching cawing whirlwind of buffeting wings, clawing talons and pecking beaks.
Murder Crow - d20PFSRD
If a murder crow is reduced to 0 hit points or less, it explodes into a murder of standard crows. Use the statistics for the undead raven swarm found elsewhere in this book. These smaller crows continue to relentlessly attack all living creatures within sight. Eye Rake (Ex)
Murder Crow - 5th Edition SRD
When the murder crow dies, it explodes into a murder of crows. These smaller swarms continue to relentlessly attack all living creatures within sight. Use the statistics for a swarm of ravens for the murder of crows.
Carrionstorm - Monsters - Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder RPG …
Alone, an undead crow or vulture is little more than a hideous mockery, but in rare cases where ghoulish activity is thick, entire colonies of carrion birds can succumb to undeath, retaining their flock mentality yet no longer seeking the flesh of the freshly dead to sate their hunger.
Question about Murder Crows : r/Pathfinder_RPG - Reddit
Jul 25, 2021 · If a murder crow is reduced to 0 hit points or less, it explodes into a murder of standard crows. Use the statistics for the undead raven swarm found elsewhere in this book. These smaller crows continue to relentlessly attack all living creatures within sight.
5e Undead Monsters - D&D Wiki
Feb 21, 2018 · These monsters have been vetted through the Featured Articles or Quality Articles process and are suitable for any normal campaign. These creatures are tagged with an Improving, Reviewing, or Deletion template. Please help work on the problem presented on the template. Back to Main Page → 5e Homebrew → Creatures → Monsters.
Carrionstorm – d20PFSRD
Bits of feather and flesh buzz around this swarm of rotting ravens like flies, countless lifeless eyes staring out from the chaos. A carrionstorm never initiates an attack on a creature that openly wears a holy symbol to an evil god or that is itself undead.
Murder Crow - Monster Stat Block - Kassoon.com
If a murder crow is reduced to 0 hit points, it explodes into a swarm of ravens that continues to relentlessly attack all living creatures within sight. These ravens are undead, and they have tactical advantage on saving throws against being turned.
The Carrionstorm - Library of Metzofitz
A cacophony of screeches drones within the sky above your storm, the air disturbed by the flapping wings of a murder of rotting undead crows. Shaping this veil grants you control over a massive swarm of undead crows that patrols the air within your swarm.
** Monster Discussion ** Raven Swarm : r/Pathfinder_RPG - Reddit
Mar 12, 2021 · Put these in an undead campaign, BBEG or lieutenant is a necromancer. Raven swarm under their control attacks the players. When the swarm is dealt with/heavily damaged, raise the swarm as undead and keep the fight freaky.