What is the difference in ultramafic rocks and mafic rocks?
Jun 14, 2024 · Ultramafic rocks also have a lower silica content and typically form from the mantle. Mafic rocks have lower levels of magnesium and iron, with higher silica content, and are commonly found in the ...
Is olivine an important mineral in peridotites and other ultramafic ...
Which cools faster mafic or felsic rocks? - Answers
May 26, 2024 · Felsic rocks have a lower melting point than mafic rocks and felsic magma has a lower temperature. In other words, felsic magma is not hot enough to melt mafic rock while mafic magma is hot enough ...
Where do we find ultramafic rocks? - Answers
Ultramafic rocks are of relatively small extent in the North Cascades, but are geologically significant because they are derived from the Earth's mantle.
What type of composition does an igneous rock have that
Jun 10, 2024 · The igneous rock with mostly plagioclase feldspar and about 30 percent dark silicate minerals is likely a basalt. Basalt is a fine-grained extrusive rock that is commonly found in oceanic crust ...
As compared to ultramafic rocks mafic rocks have a? - Answers
greater proportion of silica. Tags Geology Volcanoes Geology Volcanoes
What is the average composition of rocks comprising a large
The average composition of rocks comprising a large composite cone or stratovolcano is andesitic magma. It is the intermediate type between basaltic and dacitic magma.
The average composition of rocks comprising a large composite
Jun 13, 2024 · The rocks found in these volcanoes are primarily andesite, which is an intermediate volcanic rock with a composition between basalt and rhyolite. Additionally, you may also find other volcanic ...
The average composition of rocks comprising a large composite
Is Tuff mafic or felsic? - Answers
The terms mafic and felsic refer to the composition of igneous rocks, which are dominated by silicate minerals. Marble is a metamorphic rock composed of carbonate minerals. The terms mafic and ...