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  1. University of Texas at El Paso
    University of Texas at El PasoUniversity in Texas, USA
    OverviewRankingMerchandiseAdministrationRelated peopleHistoryAlumni
  2. Copilot Answer

    On April 16, 1913, SB 183 was signed by the Texas governor allocating funding for a new educational institution that would later become UTEP, making it the second oldest academic institution in the University of Texas syst… See more

    Campus architecture

    In 1916, only two years after the school opened, the original campus buildings were destroyed in a fire. The school was rebuilt on its present site in 1917. Kathleen Worrell, the wife of the school's first dean, Steve H. W… See more

    School colors and logo

    Since the school was established as a department of the main branch of the University of Texas at Austin, the school's colors were originally orange and white. However, in the early 1980s, Columbia blue was added … See more


    UTEP was the first college in the American South to integrate its intercollegiate sports programs. This change was made in the 1950s. When Don Haskins became basketball coach in 1961, he aggressively recruited bl… See more

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