Bedrock Geologic Map of Vermont, 2011
Reference: Ratcliffe, NM, Stanley, RS, Gale, MH, Thompson, PJ, and Walsh, GJ, 2011, Bedrock Geologic Map of Vermont: USGS Scientific Investigations Series Map 3184, 3 sheets, scale 1:100,000. To order a paper copy of the map (3 52"x72" sheets), please visit this page: https://dec.vermont.gov/form/geologic-map-order-form
Bedrock geologic map of Vermont | U.S. Geological Survey - USGS.gov
Jan 1, 2011 · The current map was created to integrate more detailed (1:12,000- to 1:24,000-scale) modern and older (1:62,500-scale) mapping with the theory of plate tectonics to provide a framework for geologic, tectonic, economic, hydrogeologic, and environmental characterization of the bedrock of Vermont.
USGS Current Water Data for Vermont
Explore the NEW USGS National Water Dashboard; interactive map to access real-time water data from over 13,500 stations nationwide.
The National Map Viewer | U.S. Geological Survey - USGS.gov
Nov 3, 2022 · Use The National Map Viewer to explore base-layer GIS data, see availability of USGS topographic maps, and create your own web map.
Geology Publications and GIS On-line | Department of ... - Vermont
Our publications are available on-line and include maps and text at statewide to local scales, general interest to technical reports, and associated GIS data (shapefiles and geodatabases). As a service, we also host publications of the Vermont Geological Society and some USGS maps which were compiled for the 2011 Bedrock Geologic Map of Vermont.
Vermont Geological Survey | Department of Environmental …
The Vermont Geological Survey, also known as the Division of Geology and Mineral Resources in the Department of Environmental Conservation, conducts research and mapping relating to the geology, resources, and topography of Vermont.
Department of Environmental Conservation - Vermont
A Field Guide to the Geology of Northern New England by M. Dorais, 2019 (253 pages includes VT, NH & ME) Generalized Geologic Map of Vermont , 2012 Bedrock Geologic Map of Vermont , 2011
Bedrock geologic map of Vermont - USGS Publications Warehouse
The Bedrock Geologic Map of Vermont is the result of a cooperative agreement between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the State of Vermont. The State's complex geology spans 1.4 billion years of Earth's history.
Surficial Geologic Map of Vermont, 1970
The best available and most current maps at 1:24,000 scale are as digital data at the Vermont Open Geodata Portal and as pdfs on our web site under Open File Reports. We developed standardized surficial map units in 2017 and are in the process of compiling the maps on the Montpelier one-degree sheet into a standardized, seamless GIS data layer.
Maps and Their Uses | Department of Environmental Conservation
Geologic maps show information collected manually in the field by walking Vermont’s landscape. Maps are labor intensive and are based on detailed field work in a variety of terrains. Maps are interpretive and the degree of certainty is limited by the exposures of materials.