Turtle opening mouth, grasping for breathe
Jun 15, 2010 · Aside from the mouth opening, the turtle is still eating and basking. Are you sure the turtle is sick? A turtle just opening its mouth does not mean it has an RI...there are usually other symptoms which include bubbles around the mouth/frothing of the mouth, nasal discharge, gasping/wheezing, swollen/shut eyes, just to name some.
Eastern box turtle mouth open - EMERGENCY CARE - Turtle Forum
Jul 4, 2013 · Hi. My sister was helping a box turtle across the road when she noticed it was keeping its mouth open. She thought it needed help so brought it home to help. i am wondering about a possible respiratory infection just based on research. I understand that this is fairly common but if left untreated...
Musk Turtle with mouth open! - EMERGENCY CARE - Turtle Forum
May 6, 2009 · In the last few days ive caught my baby musk turtle sitting with its mouth wide open. She seems fine other than that, swimming, still eating, no puffy eyes, no bubbles from nose. Shes basking a lot, but no more than shes ever done before, and she still swims quite a bit. So basically shes been be...
Need to open turtles mouth - Big Pond - Turtle Forum
Nov 19, 2003 · Opening the mouth is the last resort. To open the mouth, you need to grab the onthe side and extend its neck gently, yet firmly. Get a pointed tip to pry the mouth open, nothing sharp. I have a pair of tweezers that I use. When I get the mouth open, I either prop my finger to prevent it from closing to put bit in the mouth. Cheers, JJ
I don't think my turtle cn open her mouth - Tortoise Forum
Jan 2, 2012 · Hello, I have noticed that my turtle has stopped eating .. I am unsure if it is because she cant open her mouth or wont. I took a few pictures and even tried to file it, but have had no luck. this is worrying me... hopefully I can get some advice on what to do
mouth open while basking - EMERGENCY CARE - Turtle Forum
Feb 24, 2015 · Sorry for the late reply. There is no sneezing and no mucus from the nose. He only basks with mouth open, he loves basking he will stay there for a hour or 2. legs spread out lol once he's off the basking platform he NEVER opens his mouth. He eats fine and is VERY active. thank you for the replies I hope nothing is wrong.
Turtle's mouth constantly open - EMERGENCY CARE - Turtle Forum
May 4, 2005 · For the past couple of days I have noticed that my turtles mouth is always open...under water, basking...just always open. I see no changes in his behavior, he is eating well and quite active. He is about 1.5 inches and is approx. 2 months old. He weighs 15 grams. He lives in a 20 gallon long tan...
Turtle opening mouth underwater - Sand & Silt - Turtle Forum
Nov 26, 2012 · The big yawn as u said is normal that is the musk turtle using its tongue to extract oxygen from the water. The only thing I ca. Say is your turtle might still be getting used to the new tank it is in so give it time before you get alarmed but …
Can't Open His Mouth! - EMERGENCY CARE - Turtle Forum
Dec 9, 2007 · I'm a pretty novice turtle owner with a boxy. He recently shed his scutes and I've been noticing that he hasn't been eating much--over the last week, not at all. Just tonight I realized that he can't open his mouth! Clearly this is an overgrown beak, which I know that I should be able to trim on my own under regular circumstances.
Getting Turtle To Open Mouth - EMERGENCY CARE - Turtle Forum
Mar 1, 2007 · Forcing open a turts mouth is do able but should be reserved for really sick turts. The Box Turtle Manual goes into much detail on it. I like terri's suggestion of putting it in a favorite food.