Canadian River Soil and Water Conservation District
by the application of these measures, conserve and develop the natural resources of the state, provide for flood control, preserve wildlife, protect the tax base and promote the health, safety and general welfare of the people of New Mexico. Contact Canadian River Soil and Water Conservation District
Nearby Fun - Tucumcari, NM
The geology of the Canadian River is diverse. It includes granite cliffs and canyons near Raton. As it flows near Cornudo Hills & Kiowa National Grasslands, you’ll find ancient ruins.
Ute Lake State Park - State Parks
This reservoir on the Canadian River is one of the longest lakes in the state at nearly 13 miles, and boasts a variety of fun water sports. The campgrounds offer a variety of camping experiences, including the Yucca Campground, designed for RVs.
Tucumcari Mountain - The Historical Marker Database
Jun 1, 2003 · Tucumcari Mountain has long been a landmark for travelers along the Canadian River. Pedro Vial mentioned it in 1793, while opening a trail between Santa Fe and Saint Louis. (A historical marker located in Tucumcari in Quay County, New Mexico.)
Canadian River, New Mexico - Southwest Paddler
Canadian River, New Mexico is a guide to canoeing, kayaking and rafting the Canadian River located in San Juan County, with information and links to canoe and raft liveries and rentals, campgrounds, shuttle services and other businesses catering to paddlers and paddlesports in the New Mexico area.
Geologic Tour: Ute Lake State Park - New Mexico Bureau of …
The Canadian River formed during the Pleistocene after the Wisconsin glaciation. The headwaters are in the Rocky Mountains in Las Animas County, Colorado, northwest of Raton, New Mexico. The river flows southeastward from the headwaters to Raton, where it flows south to Conchas Lake State Park.
Slaying salt cedar to save New Mexico’s Eastern Plains
May 23, 2024 · The Tequesquite has been a partner in the Canadian River Watershed Restoration Project, treating miles of salt cedar infestation on the ranch and successfully restoring long reaches of a wide, sandy, degraded wash back to a functioning riparian system.
Canadian River Soil and Water Conservation District - Habitat ...
by the application of these measures, conserve and develop the natural resources of the state, provide for flood control, preserve wildlife, protect the tax base and promote the health, safety and general welfare of the people of New Mexico.
QUAY COUNTY - New Mexico Tourism - Travel & Vacation Guide
"Tucumcari Tonight" can easily be extended to "Tucumcari Today" and "Tucumcari Tomorrow"! Not too far off the beaten path are sandstone rocks balancing in pinnacle formations, mesas and mountains, the cool winding water of the Canadian River, area lakes and a variety of wildlife including herds of prong horn antelope and mule deer, flocks of ...
Outdoor Recreation – Visit Tucumcari
At almost 13 miles long, it is one of New Mexico’s longest lakes. Scenic and secluded coves make the lake quite popular with boaters and campers. Abundant wildlife, hiking and mountain bike trails, and old-fashioned swimming holes make Ute Lake a true desert oasis.