electricity connection on the basis of this undertaking cum indemnity bond including any legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by TPNODL in defending itself/ its officers as well as for the cost / compensation(s) to which TPNODL may be subjected to, under any law or pursuant to directions of any
By grant of the new electricity connection in my name/favour on the basis of this Bond, TPNODL does not guarantee that the requisite formalities in respect of ownership /Title documents/ land …
Forms - Tata Power-DDL
Download different forms of Tata power-DDL.
INDEMNITY BOND/ (On Rs. 100/- E-stamp paper with Notary Stamp) ... in case of receipt of a reference form concerned competent land owing/law enforcing agency regarding sealing/demolition/vacation of my premises and in case where any suit if …
INDEMINTY BOND FOR TEMPORARY CONNECTION I / We_____Son of_____Resident of_____ do and hereby solemnly affirm and undertake as follows: 1. That, I/we am the registered consumer /user of Electricity connection _____installed at _____ 2.
Bond. The intending consumer undertakes to abide by the terms and conditions as may be prescribed by the TPCODL from time to time and in terms of the OERC Supply Code 2019 including any amendment that may be made from time to time, Electricity Act,2003 and other Acts and Regulations/Rules, which are in
5 Indemnity Bond in Lieu of Proof of Ownership | PDF | Indemnity …
1. The document is an affidavit-cum-indemnity bond submitted by an individual to TPDDL (Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited) for a new electricity connection. 2. The individual declares that they are the owner/lawful occupier of the property for which the connection is requested. 3.
expenses, if any. TPCODL in no way shall be responsible for resolution of ROW issue. 6) That I have not concealed any facts in submission of documents for NSC. I hereby state that whatever is stated hereinabove is true to the best of my knowledge. Solemnly affirmed at _____ on this ____ day of _____ 20 (Signature of the Applicant). DEPONENT
made to suffer as a result of grant/release of the new electricity connection on the basis of this undertaking cum indemnity bond including any legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by TPDDL in defending itself/ its officers as well as for the cost / …
indemnity bond including any legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by TPDDL in defending itself/ its officers as well as for the cost / compensation(s) to which TPDDL may be subjected to, under any law or pursuant to directions of any court/tribunal/authority , if any, as a result of my failure to comply with the terms