Erich Von Götha - Lambiek Comiclopedia
Jan 2, 2024 · His first ventures into eroticism were contributions to the 'Sex Maniac's Diary' series (1972-1995) by English sex therapist Tuppy Owens. This resulted in Von Götha's …
GCD :: Issue :: Torrid #1 - Grand Comics Database
Erich Von Götha The Train (Table of Contents: 4) comic story / 8 pages (report information)
Erich von Götha - Artnet
Erich von Götha is the pseudonym of the British artist Robin Ray, known for his erotic illustrations and cartoons focusing on sadomasochistic subcultures. View Erich von Götha’s artworks on …
Amazon.com: Erich Von Gotha
Torrid Adult Comic Magazine "Goodness! Baron!" #15 1985 by Erich Von Gotha. Need help?
Erich Von Gotha Art For Sale - Art Brokerage
He rose to prominence for his erotic drawings created for the publication Torrid and The Troubles of Janice in the 1980s, and his art was later featured in the British Library's exhibition "Comics …
Erich Von Gotha | Author | LibraryThing
Troubles of Janice 2 by Erich Von Gotha Colored adult graphic novel. The first Janice book (not included) involved a twenty-two year-old Janice, who was in prison for life for the crime of …
Erich von Götha – Wikipedia
Von Götha, der vier Jahre an einer Kunstschule Zeichnen studiert hatte, veröffentlichte in den 80er Jahren zunächst bei dem englischen Comic-Magazin Torrid. Dort traf und arbeitete er …
"Come Together" : les Seventies du plaisir vues par Erich von
S’il réalisait déjà des illustrations érotiques auparavant, le premier grand pas d’Erich von Götha dans la bande dessinée se situe vers 1979. En quel pas ! Car il crée, réalise et surtout dessine …
Erich von Gotha Biography - talismanfineart.com
But it is ‘Torrid’, entirely conceived and realised by EvG, that is the substantial overture to the comic strip (Bande Dessinée) extravaganza that was to follow. Indeed, because of its ground …
Les Malheurs de Janice, l’intégrale – Par Erich Von Götha
La saison des intégrales débute en force (et sadisme !) avec la publication de l'une des hautes figures de la bande dessinée érotique, Erich Von Götha, à travers son chef d'œuvre : "Les …