Top_hat Schematics - Tube amp Schematics - EL34 World
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Amps - Tophat Club Deluxe - Blues Guitar Unleashed Member …
Feb 11, 2019 · In this schematic the cap just under the title block "Top" is listed as a 50p. So I bought a 50pF polystyrene cap. I looked at some pictures of the inside of the same amp online.
Tophat Diagrams, Schematics, Service Manuals
We have 5 Tophat Diagrams, Schematics or Service Manuals to choose from, all free to download! tophat ambassador power amplifier schematic [20 KB] tophat ambassador preamp amplifier schematic [21 KB]
Prowess Amplifiers - Misc - Schematics - Tophat Club Deluxe
Prowess Amplifiers offers resources for the guitar tube amplifier builder. We have a huge schematics inventory, projects section and forum.
Club Deluxe w/ EL34 - EL34 World
Mar 4, 2010 · The basis for this build was the Top Hat Club Deluxe schematic on Schematic Heaven. I used a JTM45 power transformer, a 50W Hammond OT with a primary impedance of 7.3k and a Hammond choke 194C. I quickly replaced the 6v6 tubes with EL34.
Top Hat Club -is it any more than a lightning with 6V6's
Oct 24, 2009 · If the Top Hat schematic on SH is accurate it looks like pretty much a 6V6 Lightning with a mid control and less filtering / no choke. Is there more to it than that ? I'm looking for something different than what I already have.
Matchless Phoenix / Bad cat Wild cat / Top Hat super deluxe schematic …
Oct 7, 2010 · Has anyone have a schematic of any of these? I have read that the Phoenix is exactly a DC30 preamp with a Chieftain power amp - if you'd combine both, this would be exactly what the Phoenix would be (i've seen other say that there are tweaks on the Phoenix preamp).
Created Date: 4/7/2002 9:49:02 AM
Tophat_clubdeluxe – Schematics Online
Free Schematics and Diagrams. Navigation Menu. Navigation Menu Effects Schematics. Amplifiers Schematics. Tophat_clubdeluxe. Download. Schematic. File Type: pdf Categories: Amplifiers Tags: Top Hat Share this: Copy URL to clipboard. Buy me a coffee. Find more schematics: Document Search Search. Effects Schematics; Amplifiers Schematics; Disclaimer:
Anyone familiar with the Top Hat Club Deluxe?
Jul 31, 2011 · My brother and I have been looking at a schematic he came across for the Top Hat Club Deluxe. He heard one and liked it but apparently it is discontinued. The schematic I have is a handwritten PDF and some of it is illegible as far as resistor and cap values.