Tobias Verhaecht - 26 artworks - painting - WikiArt.org
Tobias Verhaecht (1561–1631) was a Flemish painter primarily of landscapes. His style was indebted to the mannerist world landscape developed by artists like Joachim Patinir and Pieter Bruegel the Elder .
Tobias Verhaecht - 26 œuvres d'art - peinture - WikiArt.org
Tobias Verhaecht . Naissance: 1561; Antwerp, Netherlands ; Décès: 1631; Nationalité: Flemish; Mouvement artistique: Renaissance nordique, Maniérisme; École de peinture: École d'Anvers; Genre: paysage; Domaine: peinture, gravure; Influencé par: Joachim Patinier, Pieter Brueghel l'Ancien; Élèves: Pierre Paul Rubens; Institution: Guilde ...
Tobias Verhaecht - 26 artworks - painting - WikiArt.org
Rocky landscape with a waterfall Pen and brown ink, brown wash and gray wash Tobias Verhaecht • ?
Tobias Verhaecht - 26 obras de arte - pintura - WikiArt.org
Tobias Verhaecht (Amberes, 1561 – 1631), fue un pintor barroco flamenco, especializado en la pintura de paisaje. A Tobias Verhaecht se le documenta en el curso 1590-1591 cuando se registró como maestro en el gremio de San Lucas de Amberes.
La Punition De Niobé - Tobias Verhaecht - WikiArt.org
‘La Punition De Niobé’ was created by Tobias Verhaecht in Mannerism (Late Renaissance) style. Find more prominent pieces of mythological painting at Wikiart.org – best visual art database.
Tobias Verhaecht - 26 œuvres d'art - peinture - WikiArt.org
Mountainous landscape with river valley and travellers towards a large city Tobias Verhaecht • ?
Tobias Verhaecht - 26 件藝術品 - 畫作 - WikiArt.org
Tobias Verhaecht . 生於: 1561; Antwerp, Netherlands ; 死於: 1631; 國籍: Flemish; 藝術運動: 北方文藝復興, 矯飾主義(文藝復興晚期) 繪畫流派: Antwerp School; 藝術類型: 風景畫; 藝術領域: 畫作, 雕刻; 受影響於: Joachim Patinir, 老布勒哲爾; 學徒: 魯本斯; 藝術機構: Guild of Saint Luke
Mountainous Landscape with River - Tobias Verhaecht - WikiArt.org
‘Mountainous Landscape with River’ was created by Tobias Verhaecht in Northern Renaissance style. Find more prominent pieces of landscape at Wikiart.org – best visual art database.
The temptation of Christ - Tobias Verhaecht - WikiArt.org
‘The temptation of Christ’ was created by Tobias Verhaecht in Northern Renaissance style. Find more prominent pieces at Wikiart.org – best visual art database.
Tobias Verhaecht - 26 Kunstwerke - Malerei - WikiArt.org
Tobias Verhaecht . Geboren: 1561; Antwerp, Netherlands ; Gestorben: 1631; Nationalität: Flemish; Kunstrichtungen: Nordische Renaissance, Manierismus (Spätrenaissance) Malerschule: Antwerp School; Genre: Landschaft; Bereich: Malerei, Gravur; Geprüfter Einfluss: Joachim Patinir, Pieter Bruegel der Ältere; Schüler: Peter Paul Rubens ...