Cub Scout® Adventure Loops | Boy Scouts of America®
Cub Scout Tiger Elective Adventure Loop - Fish On! Find every earnable Cub Scout® adventure loop to display on your Boy Scouts of America® belt!
Cub Scouts - Tiger Core Adventure Requirements
Sep 28, 2022 · There are 6 Core (Required) Adventures in the Tiger program: Games Tigers Play; My Tiger Jungle; Team Tiger; Tiger Bites; Tiger Circles: Duty to God; Tigers in the Wild
Cub Scout Tiger Core Adventure Loop - Team Tiger - Official …
The Tiger Core Belt Loop – Team Tiger serves as an achievement reminder that the Tiger Cub Scout completed the Team Tiger adventure. Check out more of our Cub Scout Core Belt …
Cub Scout Tiger Core Adventure Loop - Tiger's Roar
Earn this Cub Scout Tiger Core Adventure loop after completing the Tiger's Roar requirements. Wear it on your web uniform belt! This Adventure loop is designed to fit the Cub Scout web …
Ultimate Tiger Cub Scout Awards Checklist (2024 Update)
What Are The Tiger Cub Scout Belt Loops? A Belt Loop is an award that is given to a cub scout once they have completed all of the activities in a Required or Elective Adventure (ex. Tigers …
Cub Scout Pack 2293 - Adventure Loops and Pins
As off June 1 2015 Belt Loops and Pins have been incorporated into each individual rank. They are now called Adventure Belt loops for Tigers, Wolves, and Bears. They are call Adventure …
Tiger Cub Scouts Requirements Tracking Checklist (2024)
For example, if you are working on Good Knights, you will see that underneath the heading it will tell you what activities are required to be completed to finish the adventure and earn the belt …
Tiger Adventure Requirements 2025 - Resources for Scouts
Use the new Tiger Scout Adventures. Complete Requirement 1 plus at least two others. With your parent, guardian, or other caring adult, go for a walk outside, and pick out two or more sights …
Tiger Core Adventure Loop – Tigers In The Wild
As youth finish an Adventure, they are awarded a belt loop that is worn on the official Cub Scout belt. Belt loops should be presented as soon as possible. When the requirements for each …
How Cub Scouts earn adventure loops, pins in new program
Aug 27, 2015 · Adventure loops for Tiger, Wolf and Bear are worn on the official Cub Scout belt. Adventure pins for Webelos and Arrow of Light are worn on the Webelos colors or on the front …