BowZoneBoys - YouTube
Welcome to the BowZoneBoys (BZB) channel—three friends who share a passion for archery, the great outdoors, family, and the occasional cold brew. With decora...
The Quiet Place - Bowsite.com
Oct 15, 2019 · He's a controversial guy, for sure, a "my way - or the highway" outfitter. But he gets it done. He's personally killed multiple 190 plus Bow Zone bucks, and I'm aware of at least one client with 3 bucks over 180, and I'm sure there are more. This film from Sitka really captures his legendary approach to bowhunting big Whitetails (see link above).
In The Alberta Bow Zone - Classic Outfitters
As a serious bowhunter and a serious all-around guy, Jim Hole is not given to exaggeration. And he knows big whitetails. Jim has hunted and guided in the famed Edmonton Bow Zone, a bowhunting-only buffer of farmland and forest surrounding Edmonton, most of his life.
In The Zone - Bowhunter
Nov 4, 2010 · As a serious bowhunter and a serious all-around guy, Jim Hole is not given to exaggeration. And he knows big whitetails. Jim has hunted and guided in the famed Edmonton Bow Zone, a bowhunting-only buffer of farmland and forest surrounding Edmonton, most of …
My first bow: Mathews Creed from The Bow Zone in Spring,TX
Mar 25, 2013 · Richard was the first guy to help me at the Bow Zone. I took a blown-up Guardian in to them because BowTech said they would replace it with a brand new Captain, but I had to take it to a BT dealer to make that happen.
Edmonton Bow Zone? - Bowsite.com
Feb 19, 2022 · I have been thinking go doing a hunt there , but have done a little research. Has anyone hunted the Edmonton Bow Zone , or can provide any info?
Darryl Legge in the Bow Zone Nov 27 - YouTube
Jun 9, 2023 · Join Bowhunter Darryl Legge as he hunts giant whitetails in Alberta's famous Bow Zone! This is a day from the Bowzone Live series from Wild TV Canada. #WILDTV
The Bow Zone | Archery Talk Forum
Feb 9, 2010 · bow zone I hunt the edmonton bow zone. Yes its is fantastic IF you can get permission! It is nearly 100% privately owned land! Most of the farmers that are out here don't own the land. And part of the lease agreement with the yuppie owners is that they are not allowed to let people go hunting there.
The Alberta Bow Zone - Classic Outfitters
Lesley Parks is perched in a tree stand 25 yards from a scraper when a doe jumps the fence bordering a grain field to the north. The doe trots through the newly fallen snow to the scrape, urinates and then continues on the the southeast. Knowing he is in “The Zone,” Parks stands and mounts his bow.
Just thought I would remind everyone about these guys from the …
From the short reveal in the trailer it looks like he might be a dual wield character. He has a bow (arrow quiver shown on his back) and a katana (sword shown before the faction group shot at 06:22 in the live stream), so I'm hoping he is S tier if not a really good A tier unit.