The Black Arrow Summary - eNotes.com
The arrow's message reveals the ruthless hand of John Amend-All, a shadowy outlaw. The Outlaw's Threats Sir Oliver, upon reading the ominous message attached to the black arrow, is visibly shaken.
The Black Arrow Analysis - eNotes.com
The Black Arrow was adapted into a film by Columbia studio in 1948, featuring Louis Hayward, Janet Blair, and George Macready in a swashbuckling adventure. In 1985, Disney studios produced another ...
The Black Arrow Characters - eNotes.com
The Black Arrow is the tale of a young hero navigating a confusing world of shifting allegiances. After the murder of his father, Sir Harry Shelton, Dick Shelton becomes the ward of the ...
The Black Arrow Critical Evaluation - Essay - eNotes.com
The Black Arrow was serialized in Young Folks, a magazine intended for boys, in 1888, five years after Stevenson’s success with Treasure Island, which had been written for the same publication.
The Black Arrow Critical Essays - eNotes.com
Although the literary style of The Black Arrow might make it difficult for younger adolescents, the story’s quality rewards the effort. As a young adult, the hero must shape his existence in a ...
The Black Arrow Teaching Guide - eNotes.com
7. Is The Black Arrow merely an escapist adventure, or does it convey a moral message? If so, what is the moral value? 8. Watch the Walt Disney film adaptation of The Black Arrow and compare it to ...
The Black Arrow Topics for Discussion - eNotes.com
In The Black Arrow, amid a civil war, loyalties and alliances shift. How does Dick realize that his supposed protector, Sir Daniel Brackley, has betrayed him? By changing sides, does Dick become a ...
The Black Arrow Critical Context - Essay - eNotes.com
Like most other historical novels, The Black Arrow shows the influence of both history and literature, particularly in the characterization of Duke Richard. The Wars of the Roses (1455-1485) was a ...
The Black Arrow Questions and Answers - eNotes.com
Conflicts in The Black Arrow include personal and political clashes set against the Wars of the Roses. Personal conflicts mirror the historical power struggles between the houses of Lancaster and...
Treasure Island Summary - eNotes.com
Treasure Island Summary. T reasure Island is a novel by Robert Louis Stevenson in which Jim Hawkins embarks on an adventure to find a hidden treasure.. A seaman named Bill Bones stays at Jim ...