“You Have No Enemies” By Charles Mackay (1814-1889)
Nov 16, 2020 · But in 2019, a confidante of Thatcher’s revealed that she turned to the writings of Mackay for solace and inspiration, particularly “Enemies,” which she kept in her scrapbook. I’d describe the poem as a simpler, more direct predecessor of Theodore’s Roosevelt’s famous “The Man in the Arena” speech.
Thatcherism - Wikipedia
Thatcherism is a form of British conservative ideology named after Conservative Party leader Margaret Thatcher that relates to not just her political platform and particular policies but also her personal character and style of management while in office. Proponents of Thatcherism are referred to as Thatcherites.
Opinion: Why Thatcher made so many enemies - CNN
Apr 8, 2013 · Thatcher destroyed socialism in Britain, turned outdated public services into effective enterprises, broke the dead grip of militant unionism on everyday life and restored confidence to Britain...
Speech to 1922 Committee ("the enemy within") - Margaret Thatcher
Speaking at a private meeting of the 1922 Committee of Conservative backbench MPs at Westminster, Mrs Thatcher said that at the time of the conflict they had had to fight the enemy without; but the enemy within, much more difficult to fight, was just as dangerous to liberty.
10 Reasons why Margaret Thatcher is Britain's most hated …
Mar 18, 2018 · Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister from 1979 to 1990, is one of the most divisive figures in British Political history. Ever wondered why she is so hated by some and loved by others?
What poem does Margaret Thatcher recite to the Queen in The …
Nov 17, 2020 · In response, the Queen tells Thatcher that she’s playing a “dangerous game” making so many enemies, to which the prime minister replies that she is “comfortable” with having enemies. Thatcher then...
Margaret Thatcher: The good, bad and the ugly - Al Jazeera
Apr 9, 2013 · London, United Kingdom – As one of the defining global figures of the late 20th century, Margaret Thatcher thrived on conflict, relishing the practice of politics and statecraft at home and...
Why Margaret Thatcher Waged War on the BBC ‹ Literary Hub
Mar 30, 2022 · As a politician, Margaret Thatcher always needed enemies, and in her own mind the BBC fitted the role perfectly. Like the church, the universities, the civil service, and the NHS, it was not just a symbol of the corporate state, or of inefficiency and restrictive practices: it was one of the ideological heartlands of consensus, […]
Politics | Enemies within: Thatcher and the unions - BBC News
Mar 5, 2004 · Margaret Thatcher was the nemesis of the trade union movement. Together with miners' leader Arthur Scargill, she managed to destroy the power of the trade unions for almost a generation....
UK POLITICS | Thatcher: Assassins and successors - BBC News
Nov 21, 2000 · 10 years after Margaret Thatcher announced her resignation as prime minister, BBC News Online looks at the fate of some of her allies and enemies.