Terminator Jokes - 38 Hilarious Terminator Jokes
He notices a fly and swats it, killing it immediately. The bartender goes "I thought you only killed people." The Terminator replies, "Negative. I am an Ex-Terminator."
The Terminator Jokes - 27 Hilarious The Terminator Jokes
He notices a fly and swats it, killing it immediately. The bartender goes "I thought you only killed people." The Terminator replies, "Negative. I am an Ex-Terminator."
31 Hilarious Terminator Puns - Punstoppable
Feb 10, 2021 · Where do toy stores keep their Terminator action figures? How does an Italian Terminator say goodbye? Pasta La Pizza Baby! What do you call a missing Terminator actor? What would the terminator be called after his retirement? How do you catch a flying Terminator? With a Skynet! What do you get when you cross a chicken with The Terminator?
61+ Terminator Jokes And Funny Puns - JokoJokes
61 terminator jokes and hilarious terminator puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about terminator that are clean and suitable for kids and friends. Do you have a taste for Terminator humor? Check out this hilarious selection of jokes based on the classic film Terminator 2: Judgement Day.
Best Funny The Terminator Jokes and Memes 2024
Why the Tagline “It’s Nothing Personal” for “Terminator 2”? Here are some of the funniest jokes and memes about The Terminator you might ever see in your life. Check out the hilarious jokes now.
18 Terminator Memes That Have Us Saying, ‘I’ll Be Back’ - Ranker
Oct 9, 2020 · Many pine for the days when the series was great while others use humor to deal with the fact that the films will likely never reach those highs again. The fans have learned to deal with it through memes on Reddit and we've gathered the funniest ones here. 1. Take The Hat, Too. LOL? 2. Bill Paxton, Legend. LOL? 3. Hand Asleep. LOL? 4.
112+ Terminators Jokes And Funny Puns - JokoJokes
These are 112 terminators jokes and hilarious terminators puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about terminators that are good jokes for kids and friends.
13+ Funny Terminator Jokes - Curious United
What do you get when you cross Hilter, the Terminator, and Cthulhu? Don't stick around to find out!
Terminator: 10 Hilarious Memes Only True Fans Will Understand
Oct 20, 2019 · Hilarious mashups and iconic lines from the Terminator franchise all feature in these side-splitting memes only true fans will understand.
Robocop Jokes - 9 Hilarious Robocop Jokes
Terminator stands up and says "I'll be Bach!". A big list of robocop jokes, submitted and ranked by users.
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