What Each Melanoma Stage Means - Verywell Health
Aug 10, 2024 · T1b: The tumor measures less than 0.8 mm thick and there is ulceration OR the tumor measures between 0.8 mm and 1 mm thick with or without ulceration. Stage 1B T2a: The tumor measures between 1 mm and 2 mm thick but has not ulcerated.
Stages of Melanoma Skin Cancer - American Cancer Society
There are no signs the cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes (N0) or to distant parts of the body (M0). This stage is also known as melanoma in situ. The main tumor is no more than 2 mm (about 2/25 of an inch) thick and might or might not be ulcerated (T1 or T2a).
TNM staging for melanoma skin cancer | Cancer Research UK
Jan 2, 2025 · Doctors split T1 into T1a and T1b. T1a means the melanoma is less than 0.8 mm thick and the skin over it does not look ulcerated. T1b means either: the melanoma is less than 0.8 mm thick and is ulcerated; the melanoma is between 0.8 mm and 1 mm thick and may or may not be ulcerated; T2 means the melanoma is more than 1 mm thick up to 2 mm thick.
Malignant Melanoma Staging: TNM Classification for ... - Medscape
Oct 26, 2023 · The American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) tumor/node/metastasis (TNM) classification and staging system for cutaneous melanoma are provided below. [1, 2] Table 1. TNM Classification for...
The eighth edition American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC ...
In the eighth edition AJCC staging system, patients with T1b melanoma include many who in the seventh edition would have previously been classified as T1a. In the seventh edition, patients with melanomas of Breslow thickness 0.75 mm to 1.00 mm without ulceration were classified as T1a.
Melanoma stages and survival rates - Cancer Treatment Centers ...
May 27, 2022 · Stage 1B melanoma: The tumor is more than 1 mm thick, but not more than 2 mm thick, without ulceration. A stage 2 melanoma has grown deeper into the skin and has more high-risk features, but it hasn’t spread.
A Breakdown of the Stages of Melanoma - SkinCancer.net
The mitotic rate is the number of cancer cells that are in the process of dividing per square mm of the tumor area. 6 Higher rates indicate a more problematic situation. 6 Mitotic rate is used to classify very thin melanomas (T1; Breslow thickness less than or equal to 1.0 mm).
Staging and Prognosis of Cutaneous Melanoma - PMC
A fundamental change to the new staging system is the addition of mitotic rate as a criterion for defining T1b primary melanoma. Mitotic rate of the primary tumor, defined as mitoses/mm 2, was included as a covariate in the staging analysis and was identified to have significant prognostic implications, further discussed below.
How is Melanoma Staged? - AIM at Melanoma Foundation
M1b: The melanoma has spread to the lungs. M1c: The melanoma has spread to any other internal organ in the body other than the lungs and the LDH is normal OR there is distant spread to any site and the LDH is elevated. Look on your pathology report to find your TNM stage, which you can compare with the above explanations.
Melanoma Skin Cancer: Staging and Treatment - OncoLink
Sep 25, 2023 · Stage IB (T1b-T2a, N0, M0): The tumor is either less than 0.8mm thick with ulceration (T1B), or the tumor is 0.8mm to 1mm thick, with or without ulceration (T2A). No cancer found in regional lymph nodes (N0).