Little Swift (Indian House Swift) - eBird
Small swift with a square-tipped tail, broad outer wings and sharply-demarcated white rump. White on the rump extends to the sides and is visible from below. Note the obvious contrasting white throat. Superficially similar to house-martins, but lacks a white belly.
Indian swiftlet - Wikipedia
The Indian Swiftlet or Indian Edible-Nest Swiftlet (Aerodramus unicolor) is a small swift. It is a common resident colonial breeder in the hills of Sri Lanka and south west India.
16 Species of Swift-Martin and Swallow Birds of India
The common swift from Apodidae family is a common species of bird found in India, similar to the barn swallow and house martin. Swifts are different from the swallows, martin and spend their most of lives in the air including feed and sleep.
Little swift | Birds of India | Bird World - The dynamic nature
The little swift (Apus affinis) belongs to the family of swifts, Apodidae. The little swift species are distributed in Indian subcontinent, Africa, Middle East and part of central Asia.
Apus affinis (J.E. Gray, 1830) - Indian House Swift | Birds
Subspecies in India This species is also known as the Little Swift or House Swift (incl. A. nipalensis ).
Birds of Indian Subcontinent - House Swift
House Swifts breed around habitation and cliffs from Africa eastwards through southern tropical Asia to western Indonesia. Unlike the more northerly Common Swift, many birds are resident, but some populations are migratory, and winter further south than their breeding areas.
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Birds of India - House Swift - Apus nepalensis - birding.in
House Swift ( Apus affinis ), also called Little Swift, is a common breeding resident in India. This bird is found in most habitats near human habitation. Also frequents old forts, deserted houses and ruined buildings. Identification: Sexes alike. Small, smoky-black bird with white throat.
Little Swift (Indian) - eBird
Learn about Little Swift (Indian): explore photos, sounds, and observations collected by birders around the world.
Indian Swiftlet - eBird
A small, brown, nondescript swift with a shallow tail fork. Upperparts are darker brown than the underparts, while the rump is marginally paler. Very similar otherwise to the more widespread Asian Palm-Swift, except that Indian Swiftlet lacks the latter’s longer, deeply forked tail.
House swift | Birds of India | Bird World - The dynamic nature
The house swift (Apus nipalensis) is a small swift belonging to the family, Apodidae. These swift species are distributed in Nepal, northeast India, Bhutan, Bangladesh, south and southeast China, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan and southeast Asia.
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