Suttree Characters - eNotes.com
Cornelius Suttree. Cornelius Suttree, called Buddy by his family, Sut by his friends, and Youngblood by Abednego Jones. He is an intelligent and well-educated man of approximately thirty who, for ...
Suttree Summary - eNotes.com
Suttree decides to leave Knoxville, severing ties with his former life. His destination remains unknown, but as he stands beside the road, a mysterious boy offers him a drink and a smile.
Suttree Themes - eNotes.com
Suttree is a sweeping and epic novel, abundant in themes and intricacy. A key thematic element is Suttree's journey towards spiritual self-discovery. His quest for God imbues the novel with a ...
Suttree Analysis - eNotes.com
Suttree is a more expansive, humorous, and ambitious work compared to the three earlier novels by McCarthy. It also feels more personal. However, it still features some of the same types of ...
Cormac McCarthy Criticism: Suttree and Suicide - eNotes.com
SOURCE: "Suttree and Suicide," in Southern Quarterly, Vol. 29, No. 1, Fall, 1990, pp. 71-83.[In the following essay, Shelton comments upon the existential themes within Suttree, and focuses on the ...
Suttree and the Metaphysics of Death - eNotes.com
Suttree, his masterpiece, was published in 1979, and is already out of print. Aside from reviews and brief mention in fiction chronicles, there have been only a handful of full-dress essays on his ...
Suttree Critical Essays - eNotes.com
McCarthy began work on Suttree early in his writing career, shortly after the publication of his first novel, The Orchard Keeper, in 1965.Although he put it aside to write two other shorter novels ...
The Passenger Summary - eNotes.com
The Passenger Summary. T he Passenger is a 2022 novel centered on the lives of siblings Bobby and Alicia Western.. In 1980s New Orleans, Bobby Western works as a salvage diver and grieves for his ...
The Orchard Keeper Summary - eNotes.com
The debut of The Orchard Keeper, which earned the William Faulkner Foundation Award for the most impressive first novel by an American author, signaled a remarkable entrance for McCarthy into the ...
Outer Dark Summary - eNotes.com
Complete summary of Cormac McCarthy's Outer Dark. eNotes plot summaries cover all the significant action of Outer Dark. A brother and sister search for each other and the child born of their ...