Stasis Dermatitis - National Eczema Association
Stasis dermatitis is a form of eczema that is caused by poor blood circulation in the lower legs. Learn more about its causes, symptoms and available treatment options.
Venous Stasis Dermatitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
Venous stasis dermatitis is a skin condition that occurs when blood pools in the lower legs. Treatment includes leg elevation, compression and medication.
Stasis dermatitis - UpToDate
Stasis dermatitis, or stasis eczema, is a common, inflammatory dermatosis of the lower extremities occurring in patients with chronic venous insufficiency, often in association with …
Venous Stasis Dermatitis – Symptoms, Causes, Treatments
Apr 4, 2024 · Venous stasis dermatitis (also called venous eczema or stasis dermatitis) happens when a problem with your veins, usually in your lower legs, keeps blood from moving through very well. As more...
Stasis dermatitis - Wikipedia
Stasis dermatitis refers to the skin changes that occur in the leg as a result of "stasis" or blood pooling from insufficient venous return; the alternative name of varicose eczema comes from a common cause of this being varicose veins.
Eczema types: Stasis dermatitis overview - American Academy of …
What is stasis dermatitis? This is a common type of eczema that develops in people who have poor blood flow. Because poor blood flow usually develops in the lower legs, stasis dermatitis …
Stasis Dermatitis - Dermatologic Disorders - Merck Manual …
Stasis dermatitis is inflammation, typically of the skin of the lower legs, caused by chronic edema. Symptoms are itching, scaling, and hyperpigmentation. Ulceration can be a complication. Diagnosis is clinical. Treatment is directed at the causes of edema and preventing ulceration.
Stasis Dermatitis in Older Adults: Treatment Options
Nov 15, 2023 · Stasis dermatitis is a type of eczema caused by poor blood flow through the veins. Symptoms of scaly, inflamed, and itchy skin generally appear on the legs and feet but can be seen on the arms. Treatments to manage the symptoms vary from simple at-home therapies to surgical procedures.
Eczema types: Stasis dermatitis signs and symptoms
Stasis dermatitis usually begins on the inside ankles, causing discolored, dry, and itchy skin. When caught early and properly treated, you can prevent stasis dermatitis from worsening. Without proper treatment, stasis dermatitis can worsen and cause one or more of the following:
Stasis Dermatitis Condition, Treatments and Pictures for Adults
Jun 17, 2024 · Stasis dermatitis is skin irritation and breakdown due to the fluid accumulating under the skin. Stasis dermatitis can be due to venous insufficiency (vein valve malfunction), heart failure, and other conditions that cause swelling, usually in the legs.