Rock music in Russia - Wikipedia
The Soviet Union punk-rock culture started in the 1980s, mostly as a protest movement against the corruption of the regime and the sense there was "no future". It differed from British punk culture in that the Soviet Union did not have an explicit class society, and the society as such was communist; as a result, Soviet punk became a protest ...
Russian punks: The ideology, music and lifestyle
Aug 18, 2013 · Russian punk rock has come full circle in the last 30 years. Having started as an underground statement—"Us against the world"—in the early 1980s, it turned into full-blown, commercial and...
Soviet Punk & New Wave in the 1980s: A Pivotal Decade ... - YouTube
Soviet Punk & New Wave in the 1980s: A Pivotal Decade (History of Soviet Rock Part 2) ** CHECK OUT THE NEXT PART FREE ON PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/bandsplaining -- Part 2.5 is an hour...
The History of Soviet Rock: From the 70s Underground Rock …
Oct 28, 2020 · The two-part series on Soviet rock from Bandsplaining featured here covers all the big names from the scene, bands who first came together in the 1970s and exploded into legitimacy in the 80s, thanks to the KGB, ironically, in 1981, when “some Communist Party genius decided to open a number of rock clubs ...
Punk Rock in the USSR: A Collection from the 80s by Igor Mukhin
May 1, 2017 · Russian photographer Igor Mukhin (born 1961) has been an active chronicler of political and cultural events since the 1980s. One of his most prominent projects is the documentation of the punk scene that emerged around the twilight of the USSR.
Soviet Subcultures of the 1980s: Goths, Punks and Metalheads …
May 6, 2016 · When the first subcultures appeared in the USSR the government simply considered those youngsters to be crazy. But when the movement went out of control it was already too late. Metalheads, rockers, punks, rappers, bikers, etc. came out to the streets of the already crumbling Soviet society.
Lost Time: Wild Photos of Russia's Punks - The Moscow Times
Oct 26, 2017 · Russian rock in the ‘80s was an underground movement. When news was spoon-fed through two state-sponsored weekly TV and radio shows and art was vetted to conform with government standards, some...
Allowed for Performance: Punk and Rebellion in 1980s Siberia - VICE
Apr 6, 2015 · In the Soviet era, punk music—all rock music, really—occupied a murky, semi-legal zone. Siberian bands lived under constant government scrutiny. Clearing lyrics with the local censors was as...
Punk Behind the Iron Curtain: A History of Subculture Dissent in Soviet …
Jul 18, 2017 · For an expansive history of the festival, Grzegorz Piotrowski ’s book Punk Against Communism offers a full insight into the wider political repercussions of the festival and the spirit of rebellion it tapped into alongside social movements such as Solidarnosc.
Soviet Rock hits of the 80s - Russia Beyond
Aug 19, 2014 · RIR presents you rock hits of the 1980s. 1. Alisa – “Mi Vmeste” 2. DDT – “Rodina” 3. Auktsion – “Voltchitsa” 4. Nautilus Pompilius – “Knyaz Tishiny” 5. Akvarium – “Rock n' Roll …