Southern Jutland - Wikipedia
Southern Jutland (Danish: Sønderjylland; German: Südjütland) is the region south of the Kongeå in Jutland, Denmark and north of the Eider (river) in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. The region …
The flag of Jutland: Den Jydske Fane - All Things Nordic
Sep 4, 2020 · The two blue stripes illustrate the sea around Jutland, the red-brown symbolize the heather of the heath, and the green stands for the color of the forests. The cross-sword and …
Flags of subdivisions of Denmark - Wikimedia Commons
Oct 5, 2023 · Some areas in Denmark have unofficial flags, listed below. The regional flags of Bornholm and Ærø are known to be in active use. The flags of Vendsyssel (Vendelbrog), the …
Jutland - Wikipedia
Jutland (/ ˈdʒʌtlənd /; Danish: Jylland [ˈjyˌlænˀ], Jyske Halvø or Cimbriske Halvø; German: Jütland, Kimbrische Halbinsel or Jütische Halbinsel) is a peninsula of Northern Europe that …
Sep 4, 2020 · The two blue stripes illustrate the sea around Jutland, the red-brown symbolize the heather of the heath, and the green stands for the color of the forests. The cross-sword and …
Region of Southern Denmark - Wikipedia
The Region of Southern Denmark is the westernmost of the Danish administrative regions (Region Zealand being the southernmost). It consists of the former counties of Funen, Ribe …
Jutland (Denmark) - CRW Flags
Description of the flag. There is a sparsely used flag for Jutland, called "den Jyske Fane". It is red, green and blue, you can see the design above. anon., 20 April 2001
Syddanmark Region - Denmark - Flags of the World
Region Syddanmark consists of 22 kommuner (English: Municipalities) comprised of former counties of Funen, Ribe and South Jutland, adding ten municipalities from the former Vejle …
Sonderjylland - Visit Denmark.net
Sonderjylland, or the southern region of Denmark, is home to many attractions that tourists from all over the world flock to. There is a Sonderjylland Region and a Sonderjylland Amt, also …
The German minority in South Jutland - Denmark.dk
The German minority runs its own schools and day cares in Denmark that receive funding from both the Danish and German governments. The presence of a German minority in South …